Friday 7 February 2014

Craft's to do on LONG BORING winter days.

It's still cold out and I'll go crazy soon!!!!!! ;-) I'm pretty sure I'm talking for every one. Any one can go crazy in this cold weather!

Anyways  My days are, get up, do school, chores, eat lunch , and be BORD! It's just to cold to go play outside or even step outside! So what to do on LONG winter days are hard to live threw. Every one goes through it. So I have been on Pinterest looking a crafts to do.(But it's REALLY hard to do crafts when you have NO glue.) When I found TONS of FUN EASY crafts that also helps you to be more organized!(Which I LOVE organizing!) But there was one problem with the crafts, they all CALLED for GLUE!!!!! So the search was on! I searched the house for glue!! No luck at all! So I was on Pinterest looking at cleaning tips,(Which you can see on Pinterest.)and I stumbled across a glue recipe!!!! Which REALLY works! I tried it! The very day I made it I used about half the jar! :-)

So, I will give you the glue recipe and craft Ideas too! :-) I get really excited about these things so I just have to tell them to you! And Please at least try one of the crafts! And you can't do a homemade craft with out homemade glue! ;-)

Homemade Glue
Mix 1c.Flour with 1/4c. Sugar
with 1c. water. (add more water if it is still thick.)
Whisk out clumps really well.
Add 1tsp.Vinegar and mix well. Pour into
a airtight container and use! Can
keep for two weeks or more! IF you
keep it in the fridge. (It takes a little longer
to dry then other glues and also apply a lot on
your craft.
(I made this and LOVE IT!!)
(Not all of these crafts call for glue!) :-)
Magnetic pan board!
What you will need: A pan, Colorful paper, Spray  Paint, Ribbon,
Glitter, and other decorating items.
What you do: You can spray paint or glue THIN colorful paper to a
backing pan. Hot glue ribbon to the top, to be able to hang on the wall.
And............... Decorate with buttons, glitter, colorful magnets and other fun stuff!! :-)
You can also paint part of it with chalk paint to have a chalk board!(which
I will give you the recipe for chalk paint.)
Chalk Paint
1c. Flat Paint
1TBSP. Unsanded Grout
MIX WELL and start painting. Sand between
layers for a smooth finish.
 For a Distressed Look: Sand until desired look. Finish
with a stain and wipe off.
 (Here's another chalk paint recipe.)
2c. Paint (any color.)
5 TBSP. Plaster Paint
2 TBSP. water
 Mix well and paint anything you want!
(as long as it's not something you will regret painting!)
Marker Caddy
Take a old shoe box or any small box and paint.
Or glue colorful paper WITH your homemade glue!
Take toilet paper rolls and put them in the box.
(You might want to hot glue the bottoms of the rolls
to secure them.) Keep adding until the box is full of rolls.
NOW! USE! Not only for Markers but for pens, pencils, and other
stuff! ;-) (If you are like me you would probably paint the toilet paper rolls.)
Organization Caddy!
These are REALLY handy! So Grab your 5 old cans, colorful paper, and a
hot glue gun! :-) Glue pretty paper to the cans. Add glitter and what ever you want.
Glue three cans together, add two on top and glue together, add one more glue and done!
Make sure you try different shapes! Be creative! And have fun!
(This only works if you have cans, glue gun or super glue.)
Ok I lied, the crafts I gave you, pretty much all of them call for glue. :-)
Well hope you liked this weeks blog! If you have any questions please email them to I'm on Google Plus and Pinterest! You can find me on Pinterest as Grace Johnston. There you can see all kind of fun boards! Crafts, Food, Sewing , and much
more fun stuff!  Oh before I forget, You may and can print these recipes. You have my permission! Well bye for now!