Tuesday 13 May 2014

Sewing, sewing, sewing.

Hello my friends! ;)

As you can see todays topic is sewing. (One of my favorite things to do.)So I'm going to show you a super easy skirt pattern! I did three in about a hour and a half.

Normally I don't use patterns, I go by pictures off of Pinterest or off a sewing book. But I felt adventurous.

 This pattern isn't really a pattern, my grandma made us skirts with straight stitching all the time but, It's hard to run in them. So I thought all night trying to figure out how to make them more fuller. So the challenge was excepted! :)

                                    (Please do not take any notice of the pealing wallpaper! ;) Thank you!)

(I don't have any pictures of how I did it so I'll try to explain  it .)

What you'll need is:
Measuring tape
Fabric of your chose.
Safety pins
Lace maybe?

Ok, so all I did was lay out my folded fabric and cut out a nice large square.(the smaller the square the smaller the skirt.) You shouldn't have two pieces of fabric. You should only have one long piece.

After sewing I took my elastic and put a  safety pin threw it and started to fish it through that hem.

 But, if you know me, I like to take the easy way. You see after doing this twice I got pretty sick of it so I just sewed the elastic on when I was hemming the top.

                                                       See? I hemmed it with the elastic in it.

Next I hemmed the bottom and then sewed the sides together! Tada!!!!!

                                                (I added the lace when I hemmed the bottom.)

I added pink lace to this one you can barely tell though.

                                                        This one is a red and blue plaid.

You can make these skirts as full or as long or as small as you want! Be creative! :)

No I didn't sew this skirt. This pretty skirt, was off a big, short dress that I got from a thrift store.
I really liked the bottom of it so much that I bought it. My scissors came out! (After a while of thinking about what I should do with the dress.)

Off went the top. To the bottom all I had to do was add elastic!! ;) You can do this to a ton of dresses!
It's so easy too!!! Though you might have to hem the top of the skirt before you put in the elastic.

Well, That's all for now!! Oh I want to thank Becca for being my model!!!

Do you have a sewing challenge or a suggestion of what I  should blog about? Please leave a comment below or email me! ;)

Oh, by the way! I'm selling Homemade All Natural chap stick for only $2!!! Hurry now before the price goes up!!!

Please contact me at: askgracej@gmail.com or my texting number! 218-409-9791
I'm also on Google Plus and Pinterest! Oh, be sure to cheek out are farms page on FaceBook! Reverview Farm.

Bye! And God Bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!