Thursday 9 October 2014

Life As A Homeschooler. (Pros and cons of it.)

I love being a homeschooler! I think it's the best thing ever! Yes, I do know what's like going to a public school. I went up till I was in 5 grade. Personally, I wouldn't want to go back. I love how my mom is my teacher and she can train us up the way the Lord wants.
But, today I'm going to tell you the pros and cons of it.

The Pros!

1.We can start any time of the day just as long as we get our school done!

2.Doing school in your PJs! (But I heard that public schoolers already do that!) ;-)

3.If you go somewhere during school hours, it's  a field trip.

4.You get done WAY before 3:00.

5.You don't have to take the bus to school.

6.Stay in bed and do school.

7.You get one on one attention because your the only one in your grade.

8. Don't have to go to gym class!

The Cons!

1.If you go to the store during school hours,you get looks from people.

2.You don't get to go on cool field trips.

3.If you have friends that go to public school, you have to wait for hours before you can call them because they are in school.

4.When people ask what grade your in either you can't remember or it's complicated. (Example: you do 9 grade math, 10 grade bio ,and/or 8 grade grammar.)

5. Sometimes we have to do school in the summer.

6. You can't go to the park or anywhere during school hours. (Before 3:00)

7.You can't barrow library books from the school library.

Well there you are! Your pros and cons of homeschooling!  In Proverbs 22:6 " Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he shall not depart from it."  What's a better way to train up your child? Send them to some school and let some one else do it? Or you train your child the way God wants you to.  

I have to say, I feel a lot closer to my parents since they started homeschooling us. I look forward to it and love how I can stay home and let mom train me to be the woman God want's me to be.

That's all for now! Grace

If you have more questions about "what's it's like being a homeschooler" you can email me at: