Monday 30 March 2015

What's new!!!

Howdy!!! :)

Sorry that I haven't posted anything!

We  just moved into a new FARM!! It's  such  a wonderful place!! The house is small but it works. There's rolling fields, dirt road, a creek, and a river!!! It's beautiful land and a bigger dairy barn!

                                                                  Ain't that little gal cute!!!??

                                                              What I'm learning to do.
Crocket, I learned last summer but never got it so I just taught my self a few weeks ago.

Knitting, I know a little but I'm learning still! :)

Living without internet, IS HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though, I'm doing it. I have to go to town or to my wonderful grandma's house to be on it.

Here's some of my siblings thoughts on moving! :)

Kaity's view:  Well, I have never moved before. So I'm a little sad about leavening the house I have been growing up in.  I know that we will make new memories at our new house! We having been working together in our new place and we will remember that we got through it as a family. Moving is not as easy as I thought it would be.(: But, I'm exited and happy. I thank the Lord that I have such a wonderful family! We can do anything as a family!

Kaity is the second oldest of five, she is 13. She likes helping animals, reading, and watching movies.

Becca's view: Hi, well, I think moving is kind of fun in some ways and in some it's a bummer, but right know I'm going to tell you what's fun about moving . The thing I think would be fun is decorate your room any way you want unless you have a sleeping partner. Then you have to consult with them but that's still fun. Another thing that is fun, is moving every thing in and putting it where you think it looks nice and panting your new room what ever color you like is fun!
Now I'm going to tell you the bummer about moving. When you move you have to clean, and  I hate cleaning !  Well I'm going to have to live with it. Also trying  to bring furniture there is hard to do and here we have no couches or comfy chairs  to sit on, only table chairs :-) Well that's my opinion.
Also, I love trusting God for help, he's helping us when times are hard. We wouldn't be able to do this if we didn't trust God. He's so good !!

Becca is 11 and she likes pigs, farming, drawling, and the color green. She hates cleaning.
(She likes a lot more but I didn't want to type it all out.)

Luke's view: No comment.

Ali's view: Moving is exciting and it's also a lot fun! I love decorating my new room the way I want it. It's fun to explore the new place, and find new things! I like helping my mom organize and decorate our new living room! My favorite thing to do is imagine what it will look like with all of the furniture. Sometimes I'm worried that it wont work out but I trust my parents and God.

Ali is 7 almost 8 she likes cats, organizing, riding bikes and the color blue.

                             All we can do is trust on the Lord to help us through every trial! 

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!
