Friday 13 May 2016

It's Raining Kits and Piggies

walked over to the pig's pen hearing squealing of newborn piglets. Walking a little faster, I wanted to get a look at the new members of the family. After dodging a few cows, tripping over chickens, and scrambling over some fences, I made it. A smile lit my face as I saw the bunch, snuggled together in the hay by their momma. Dropping to my knees, I stroked the nearest one, as I talked to Ginger. "They are so cute Ginger! You did good! Awww! You had 12!! They all seem really healthy too!"  Ginger replied with a grunt and turned back to her piglets. I watched the piglets get up to be with their mother and my heart swelled with wonder and love for the God who made these cute little babies. As I reach for the smallest one, I whisper a prayer of thanks to God.

That's right we had piglets!!!!!!!!! :) Both Ginger and Cappuccino are proud mothers!

This is the runt, she was held a lot! :)

I LOVE baby animals, but piglets have to by my favorite to show little kids!
Farmer or Vet??
"Dad , Dad!!! " Yelled Becca as she ran from the pigs pen to the shop. "One of the piglets cut themselves on the wire! It's really bad!"  Dad turned to Becca, "Ok, lets go look at it."   As they walked to the pig's pen, Becca was explaining how the poor piglet got cut and how bad it was.  They reached the pig's pen and dad grabbed the piglet that Becca pointed out as the injured one and right on it's hip was a bad cut, the skin was hanging all the way down to its hoof. "What are we going to do Dad!? " Becca asked with concern in her voice. Dad put the piglet back with its mother, "Well, we'll give it a few days and see if it heals."
A few days later.
"Grace, I need you to find me some thread, cotton preferably." Dad said as he walked down into the basement with fish hooks in his hands. Grace dashed to her sewing box and looked for the thread, "All I have is polyester!"  She said as she handed him some green thread. "That's ok I juts want something strong." Dad sat down and started to tie string to the hooks. Grace grabbed on of the hooks and noticed that the barb was shaved off. Dad got up, "I need you to finish tying these, I need to go do some stuff before I sew up that piglet." He headed out the door. Grace sat down feeling sick to her stomach as she tied the string to the hooks.  After she finished, she raced upstairs, hiding until it was over.
A few minutes later...
Grace looked around her room, sitting on her bed she could hear the piglet squealing. Jumping out of bed, she walked slowly downstairs. Mom was holding the pig down, while Dad was doing the stitching.  "Oh, good! Come Grace, we need your help." Mom said as she looked up from the pig. She walked to the table and watched, dad was almost done sewing it up!   "Grace, I  need you to put your finger on this string so I can tie it tight. Don't let go , I don't want the skin too far apart." He said without looking up. Grace  put her figure on the string, her stomach doing weird things and was totally grossed out.  Finally ,it was over. Dad returned the piglet to its momma and it's still living today.
The piglet is running around as happy as can be! You can see the piglet in this story when you come to visit our farm! We have one piglet with stitches and one tailless. How? I have no idea, but you have to have at least one oddball and injury lover in every family! :)
A word for a baby bunny that is hairless, tiny, and ugly.
Yup, that's a baby bunny. Cute huh?  Kaity and Becca's bunnies had babies!!
(Shudder.) There's a wayyyyyy cuter picture below.
Ahhhhhhhh, that's better! It's kinda cute now!
We have 17 of these cute little things!
 Aren't they adorable!!!
Kaity is selling them for $10 each! They will be ready to leave their mother in a month so, kids beg your parents and wives beg your husbands because what's cuter then a little bunny! :) They are a lot of fun to hold unless they pee on you. Trust me it's not fun.
The most interesting picture of all........
Is it epic, mysterious, creepy, cool, or just plain strange?
It's Becca!!!! So, what do you think? What category would this picture be in??
My dad said it reminded him of the movie "Sound Of Music." Don't ask me why, but then I thought of remaking the song "The Hills are Alive" to fit this pic. Just for you dad! Enjoy!!
The Hills are alive with the sounds of cows! With the sounds they have made for a thousand years, the cows fill my heart with the sound of moosic! My heart wants to sing every moo it hears!!!  My life revolves around milking them every day. My heart skips a beat when I see them in the field.  I go to the cows, when my heart is lonely. I know they are better company. My heart will be blessed with the sight of my cows and I'll milk once more.
There you have it! The Sound of Moosic! This took a little while to do! I even tried to pluck it out on the piano. Some parts flow better than others, but hey, you get the point! :)
Maybe I'll do this to other songs! Who knows, it might be fun! :)
The Crawdad Challenge!
(Game host voice. Take your pick.)
Holding a crawdad, challenge excepted! Unless your name is Grace Johnston then you are eligible for the challenge! The contestants were Luke, Becca, Kaity, Tamera, Lydia, and Ali. Did they fulfill the challenge?

Also there was Kaity, Becca and Lydia ,but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.
So, to win the prize of satisfaction you have to hold it longer then anyone else.
Winner! Tamera! She held it for a long time! I got like 5 pictures of her holding it! :)
Second! Luke! He didn't hold it longer , but for the bravery of trying to get it to pinch his sweater!
Luke pulls the arm of his sweater down past his hand. "Becca, I want to see if I can get it to pinch it!" He said as he bravely step toward the crawdad that Becca was holding. "You sure Luke? " Becca questioned with doubt written on her face. "Yes! Now put it by the edge of the cuff."  Becca put the crawdad as close as she dared to Luke's sweater. "Look! It pinched it!" Luke said as he lifted his arm to show everyone. Luke grabbed it behind the pinchers and tried to pull it off. "Hey! It won't come off!"  Luke's face was panicky as he turned to his audience of girls. Grace turned to their mom, laughing at her little brother. Luke looked around the little group and started to swing his arm around screaming, trying to get the crawdad loose. Becca, Lydia ,and Ali tried to help him while the rest of them where laughing. Luke tumbled to the ground laying there stunned. Ali cried out, "It's  right here!!!!"  Lydia grabbed the scared, little, creature and dropped him back into the bucket with his friend. Mom turned to Grace, " Poor crawdad." "Poor crawdad! Look at Luke!", Grace exclaimed pointing to her brother who was still on the ground.
With that closing, Thanks for reading and come back next time!
God bless ya'll!!!