Wednesday 27 July 2016

Why You Should Milk a Pig

Hello, I'm Becca and today I'll be talking to you about why you should milk a pig!!

These are the reasons why:
Because no one else will do it, it's challenging, and you get to try drinking pig milk and probably sell it for lots of money cause its rare for people to milk pigs! Not only that, but you also get to invent a 12 cup milker !! That way you get to bottle feed all the piglets !!!! Here's a picture of my invention:
What do you  think ? I know, I know what your thinking...It's pretty sweet !!  Although it sorta looks like a octopus (DONT JUDGE a person with excellent talent !!!):-) Also, you have to be talented, like me, to milk a pig. It's pretty tricky but once you do it, it gets easier! Also, why milk a cow when you can milk a pig?! Grandpa said that he will milk a pig when pigs fly, but why wait, 'cause that might take forever !!

"Becca!!! What are  you doing on my computer!?!"  Grace says as she walks up. "Gasp, BECCA!!!! What are you doing on my blog!?!? "

"Just adding a few adjustments" Becca said as she gave a scared chuckle. 
Grace sat down next to her at the table. "What!? Why you should milk a pig!? This is ridiculous! You CAN'T milk a pig!"
"Yes, you can, I did it before!!" said Becca, still a little worried what Grace would say .
Grace glared at Becca and crossed her arms. "How? How much milk and how would you milk all of your pigs??"
"Ah, Didn't you see the 12 cup milker?"
"Yes." Grace answered skeptically
 "Well, don't you see I don't have to hand milk anymore , and I wanted show people different mammals you can milk !" Becca looks up at Grace with a gleam in her eye, "Plus it could , dare I say it, go viral!!! I could be famous!!"
Grace rolled her eyes and muttered," That's what I'm afraid of."
Becca jumped up and down all excited.
Grace sighs, "I guess I can't stand in the way of making you famous a second time. Here let's turn this blog post back to my style. Want to help?"
"Sure!" Said Becca excitedly

Cows Wearing Hats!
I'm ...........


"Becca, I think your cow is a little vain."

"Well, you are full of complements" 
Becca said as she rolled her eyes.
Grace glanced at her sister.

"Ummmm, Becca, why are you on here with your vain cow!?"
"For one, she is not vain, for second, I did some more touches to your blog!"
"Thanks Becca I really appreciate that. NOT!"

 When cows are wearing hats, they are soooooooooooooo cute!!!!

"Any comments  Becca?? "
"Yes, they cute!!"


The fattest horse ever!
                            "Hahahaha!! Here's a funny picture of your fat horse , Becca! "

"FAT!?!?!? she is not fat, she is just.... fluffy. " Becca said as she crosses her arms and glares at Grace
"Besides your horse has really creepy eyes !!!"
"Hey! It's not my fault that I forgot to turn off the flash!"
Becca turns to Grace, "Uhhhh, yeah it is."
"Awwwwwww!!! Bella is so cute!!"
"Cutesador!" Becca awwwed.

"Becca, why is there a picture of YOUR pig???" Grace stared at Becca
"Well, because we need just one picture of the piglets milking her "Becca commented.
                                   " That's a really nice picture Grace!" Becca praised
"Thanks! Eclipse looks really good too! But, you know what they say, that its the photographer that makes the picture perfect." Grace said as she pointed her figure at herself.
"OK, now your just bragging, I can take amazing pictures !!"
"A huh" Grace says doubtfully.

Thank you so much for reading this strange post! We have been working on this for months! (Its hard to get Becca to sit down and type!)

"Yah, she is right. It takes a really strong pig to hold me down and type. besides milking pigs is a lot more fun than typing. Well, see ya'll later!"

Thanks you Becca for helping me with this post!!!