Tuesday 28 February 2017

More New Animals!?

Howdy and yes, it's true! I have 6 new members of the family to share with you all!!!! Yes, my daddy got cow fever. I did too! (It's really kind of contagious.) I've been wanting some new cows and we finally got some!!!

Meet the cows!

Meet, Honey!!! She's soooooooo sweet. I fell for her right away.
She has a timid, sweet personality. :)

This is Beanie, she's super sweet too. She's not as friendly,
 but is a good milker and has a great, no nonsense, personality.

And last but not least, No name................Yeah, we haven't thought of a name for her.
We've been calling her Blackie, so original isn't it? :) She is the most curious cow I've ever seen! She's  a little on the bossy side with other cows, but not with us. She likes to be next to you, as long as you don't touch her, she likes you.  She's been a lot of fun so far!
1 Donkey, 2 Donkey....
That's right, we didn't get just one donkey, but two!!!! They are so sweet too!
Aren't they cute!?!They are great! They will walk up to you and rub their heads on you. We take them for walks too!
The closest one is Benny and the farther one is Lolly! I must say Benny is my favorite......
Shhhhhhh, don't tell Lolly that!! :)
 Also, I found out that Benny is the boss! It's really funny to watch him boss Stardust around. :)
 Fleece was white as snow.
So, five down one last little animal to introduce to you.
This is Penelope. She is a rescue, runt lamb. She is  a week old and still is too weak to stand.
Even though she's small and weak, she eats a TON and is loud when she's hungry! :)

Yes, she's wearing a diaper, it's the easiest way to have a lamb in the house. Plus, it makes her waaayyy cuter!! :)
 You know, when you have a little lamb, this happens...


There's nothing cuter then a dressed up lamb!! :)
We found out thought that she has a bum back leg, a wheeze, can't really stand, maybe some brain damage and she's blind. So, she is a special lamb, a very needy, loveable, little girl. She is really sweet though. When I play the piano she falls asleep, but when I stop, she cries. We all love her a lot. :)
You know your a farm kid if.....
1. You make hay bouquets. (Above.)
2. Love the smell of hay
3.Waded in mud up to your shoulders at some point in your life
4. Wear your mud boots and barn jacket to town, proudly!
5. Played king of the hay bales
6. Rode in the tractor with your dad for hours when you were younger
7. Had like 5 different types of pets
8. Your pets are not normal pets
9. You rode a pig. Yup.
10. Drive a old lawn mower with a wagon full of kids around the farm
11. Love that farm smell
12. Mud in hair? Don't care.
13. Had talent shows with your cow, pig, horse, ect.
14. Dirt is always under your figure nails
15. You know how to drive at a early age
16. Always ready to chase cows
17. Love going for walks in the cow pasture, just to visit each cow
(I'm not the only one that does this, right??)
18. Love the smell of a freshly plowed field
19. Your main shoes are your mud boot and cowboy boots.
20. Always ready for adventure!!
So, I've been thinking a lot, and that could just be dangerous. :) But, I was thinking we need something to spice up this blog, maybe more story time with Grace?? Maybe? Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what I could tell about........
Our unusual house guest.
My alarm goes off at 4 a.m. , I roll over and slowly get out of bed. "This is the pits." I thought to myself as I blindly walked down the steps. Turning into the kitchen, I glance at the counter. I looked a little harder. "Ugh, where is that bottle! The lamb needs to be fed, so I can sleep for a couple of hours!" I complained to myself. I stumble into the living room, to where Kaity was on the couch. Spying the bottle on the floor next to the lambs basket, I walk over. Kaity stirred , I froze, I didn't want to wake her. I bent down to grab the bottle when Kaity stopped me. "I fed the lamb already, go to bed."   After thanking her 5 times, I walk gratefully up to my bed. I just got settled and started to fall asleep, when I heard a noise by my bed. "It's probably just a mouse." I thought to myself. Then I heard it again. "Man! It sounds like a huge mouse." By this time I put the covers over my head, just in case. Then it happened. I felt this huge thing run across me, I flung my blankets and heard it hit the floor. I was wide awake, I sat in my bed dazed, then I heard it running around my room. I flip on my lamp and there in the middle of my room was a weasel. It looked at me and then ran out of my room then back in. I was stunned. "You got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed. "A weasel!!??" Then it ran back into my room. Becca heard me call for daddy, so she got out of her room and asked if I was ok. I told her to shut her door because there was a weasel running around.  We were talking about it when mom came out.
Let's take a moment to see what just happened here. I called for dad to save me and mom comes out. Thanks daddy.
Anyways, she told us to go back to bed, she thought I was crazy and told me so in the morning.  She was kidding, but only partly. Daddy was giving me a hard time too, until he went down to the basement. "I believe her."  He called up the stairs. "Why is that?" Mom asked.  "Because I'm watching it."  I knew I wasn't crazy! So, yes we have an unwelcomed house guest, that wanted to share my bed.  How do I feel about weasels you ask?? I don't like them at all!!!
I don't know why we have crazy things happen at our house, but hey! It's something to write about!! :)
Thanks for reading
God Bless!
This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Trusting Till The Cows Come Home

I was laying in my bed, thinking about last summer. I couldn't write about it then, but now I can.  I still don't understand why things happened the way they did, but I do know God is in control.

It all started with Ruby Red, we got a call that we had a cow dead in the pasture. It was strange. Dad even cut her open to see if something internally was wrong. We couldn't find a thing wrong. She was pregnant too, so we lost not one, but two cows.

Anyways, our faithful, wonderful, dog Sarah was seeing her last days. I remember having her since like...forever. I don't remember any other dog. She was a sweet, kind thing. Never wanting to harm us, just the cats. :) We lost her too, last summer. Things just went down hill from there. We found Billy, the family's favorite milk cow, dead. We were trying to figure out how in the world she died. It was probably a month after Ruby Red died. Then Rosebud died shortly after, something was wrong. Our cows were dropping like flies. It was a disease called Black Leg. (Black Leg a noncontagious disease found in the soil.) We then vaccinated trying to save the rest of the herd, one more died, but not from Black Leg. Cream puff died from having a huge calf, the calf was born dead, and she died a few days later. Our loved and forever remembered donkey, Seymour, died too, from old age. Then Mickey, Luke's dog, died. 

It's was really hard when Rosebud died, for those of you who know me, she was my big baby. I raised her from a calf, bottle fed her when she was like 200 lbs, rode her a little, and had big plans for her. I was going to take her when I got older to be my milk cow. She was the one I would go to when I was sad. She would always cheer me up with her licking me and rubbing her head on me. Once you have a cow as a pet, they become your favorite animal.

A lot of our farm animals and pets died, and it reminded me that life on this earth is short. We need to trust God and look to him for our future, our day.

You see, we had a hard summer, but I'm not writing this so you'll feel bad for us, I'm writing this to give you guys hope! You see, even though those bad things happened God was watching out for us and blessing us still. We got Missy and Buddy, our two, new, wonderful dogs that are expecting, new friends, new cows in the future and so much more! God can take the bad things and turn them around! When we were having that hard time, we went to God a LOT!  He wanted to remind us that he is still there and to give HIM the glory and honor HE deserves! It's because of HIM we got this farm, because of HIM we have the cows, it's because of HIM we aren't falling apart! I have an amazing story that should cheer you up.

                   Trusting till the cows come home.....
We were all just sitting in the kitchen, chilling and eating lunch when dad gets a call. It's from our neighbor, (the guy who lives at the end of the dirt road.) The milk cows were in his yard. They were really far from home. We all jump into a vehicle and head out with Missy. (Our cow dog) Thinking that it'll probably be pretty easy. Run them down the dirt road   and into their pen. Well, the cows had other plans. They went down the road then  turned into the woods. Also, did I mention it was during deer season??? So, we are searching for hours for the cows, we can't find them anywhere. My dad decided to call it quits. All of our cows gone. We didn't know if we would see them again. Dad was hoping that maybe be milking time, they would show up. Every one went back into the house, with an atmosphere of defeat.  We were sitting in the kitchen,  when I felt like we should pray about this problem together. I asked daddy if we could pray, and we did. Not 5 minutes later, neighbor called. "Your cows are in my yard again I'll push them down the dirt road for you." We ran out side and sure enough the cows were coming home! All walking towards the barn! We praised God for the miracle of the cows coming home.

Even when bad things happen God is still there with us! He can work wonders! This is my favorite story, one I'll NEVER forget. God brought the cows home.

So, as I look back on last summer I thank God for all the hardships and loses, he taught me very important lessons. 

To not lay up treasures on this earth.
Things only last so long.
                                                              Put our trust in Him.
                                                        He is there, even in the bad times.
                                                     He gives us as much trials as we can handle.

Also because of the hardship we went through, we know a little more. Every hard ship you learn a little more. With out them, how are we ever to learn?

                                        Here are some pictures of the animals we lost.

Cream Puff


We lost all of these, but gained more. We have great and wonderful memories that will last forever. I thank God for these animals and how they brought us joy and frustration. I thank God that I am able to have a pet cow, to live on a farm and know how to raise cows.

Thanks for reading what had been on my mind lately, the next post will be way more light hearted I promise!! :)  
