Monday 24 July 2017

Puppies and Kittens and a Donkey OH MY!

Howdy to one and all!! So, haying season is upon us and that means late nights, early mornings, church skippers, missing meals, and being on a mostly water diet because you want to beat the rain.

Haying one of the most crazy times of the year.  Everyone is out in fields. Even if you don't know how to drive a tractor, you'll learn. Even though it is a crazy time, I still love it! I have memories of sitting in the Belarus with my dad while he was baling or in the combine. And to this day I love stepping back and looking at a clean field with hay bales on it admiring my father's work. Well, this year all of us kids can step back and admire our work. This year was different with haying season. With daddy home, we were able to make it pretty fast but, also since we're older, we got to be out there helping. With Becca and Luke taking turn raking and daddy was baling. What about me? Well, I ran them back and forth from field to field. And then my turn came. I baled for the first time. There's something special about being on a big tractor watching the bales come out. Its great! As weird as it is, I loved being on the tractor with only God to talk to. Yeah, I'm a farmers daughter and proud of it! :)   Anyways, I hope haying is going well for ya'll and that your crop may be great!! :)

So, I have a lot of exciting news for the blog! We have a few new members of the family! First is.....

Kittens. (Yippy)
Yup, we have kittens again. If you want one text 218-591-5756. They are ready to go and need a home! There's two left so, ya might want to act fast! They are great mousers and are outdoor cats! So, that's a bonus! :)
Sorry, they wouldn't quit moving! It was almost impossible to get a picture of them!
Also we have....
That's right! Missy had her puppies! They are soooooo stinking cute too!
 The puppy that's sitting on the left it Cody. He's the only one we named.
Why? He looks like a Cody. We really don't have a reason.:)
There's 2 girls and 3 boys. Missy is a really good mom. It's funny because if we are with her puppies, she counts them and makes sure they are ok. She also won't leave us with them. She'll run out the door then 2 seconds later she comes back to see if we're still there. Man and are they noisy! They sound like cats! It's really strange, but they are soo cute! Buddy, (The father.) will come and lay next to them and watch them till Missy comes back. They scare him sometimes. He'll be laying with them watching and then one of them will whine and he'll jump back. It really funny to watch! They'll be ready to go in 6 to 8 weeks. Luke is the one you'll want to talk to if you want to get yourself one of these absolutely adorable puppies! They are 3/4  Border Collie and 1/4  Blue Heeler. 
We also have a.......
Baby Donkey!!!
Yup! Lolly and Benny are the proud parents of this little girl! I've never seen a baby donkey before and they are soooooo cute!! It's so small too! Lolly is being a really good momma and the baby is the sweetest thing ever! So, really truly ya'll will just have to come to see all the new animals we have! It's great! :)
Oh so, we had a cow, (June) who's hoof was really bad, like she could barely walk.  We prayed about it that night, because we really like her and we need her to milk. Well the next morning I noticed that her hoof seemed a lot better. She was able to walk! My dad wanted to give her medicine, just in case. So after we milked her, daddy went to get the shot all ready. I was kinda watching out of the corner of my eye. But what really caught my eye was daddy walking back to me confused. He looks at me and says, "My needle broke, in half. I didn't even touch her and it broke."  I was confused then, I was trying to figure out why in the world it broke when he comes back from replacing that needle, "God broke my needle."  I looked at him confused. "What??"   He said that the stuff he had in there was the wrong medicine and that we wouldn't have been able to milk her for a month! I just thank and praise God that he broke that needle! He knew we needed the milk, and he knew it was the wrong stuff! So, that was really cool! This is one of the reasons I love living on a farm. You see Gods handy work every where! He's working miracles everyday and is providing everyday!
Many of you probably know that my dad quit his job, and really we shouldn't be making it with just 12 cows milking. But God is providing for us, giving us just what we need. Nothing more, nothing less. He's using this farm to teach my family trust and faith. To trust in him to have faith he will provide. And he does because he's such a loving, great God!
Sorry for such a short post, but there's an update!
Have a great day and may God bless you!!