Saturday 17 February 2018

New Members Of the Family!!

Howdy  to everyone!!!

Yes, I'm back with a farm update! It's a miracle and a half!! ;) I've been really bad this year about my blog and I beg for your forgiveness!! I'm going to try to put one out at least once a month. That's my goal. We'll see though....

 Anyways! Missy had puppies!! If you guys remember she had puppies last year and ummm, it didn't go to well..... She literally had them on the run and wouldn't nurse them unless my dad sat next to her. She was crazy loyal to my dad and a terrible mom. Luckily for us she calmed down a lot and grew up some! She started slowing down a lot, staying in the porch when we're milking and she even stopped following my dad around! Man alive, she was huge!!

It was Thursday morning when we noticed something was up with her. She was whimpering, whining and just acting very, very strange. Like growling at my grandpa one minute and begging for attention the next.  It was hard to keep our focus on school, everyone had puppies on their mind. The day passed, she was moved from the porch to the kitchen and still no puppies. 6 o'clock rolled around and we had youth group. So we left her home knowing that we'll probably have puppies when we got home. Around 9, we came home to fresh little puppies on the couch. Yes, the couch. No one thought in their mad rush to leave, that she'd have them on the couch! And not just one but all the seats in the living room! So while the kids were "Oooing and Ahhing" over the little babies, mom and I were scrubbing! It was a long night.

There is seven of these cute things! 

I just think this picture is so cute!! A puppy snuggling with momma!

This batch have waaayyyy more white on them and they are waaaayyy noisier!!!

This puppy doesn't have a name but it's the one that is always whining, whimpering, or barking. It also sleeps with it's mouth open and sometimes on his back! 

They are all black and white, except for  this one. It's my favorite one! It has black, brown and white!! It's also the most friendly one! 

The puppies will be ready to go at the end of March. So pick yours out! I'll post more picture of them! 

Thanks for reading!!


Thursday 1 February 2018

Alterations By Grace

Isaiah and I!

Howdy to one and all!! (Yes, I'm back! No, it's not a farm update.)

I'm really excited to tell you guys about my newest project! (Read in a deep announcers voice.) Let me present to you "Alterations By Grace!" (Crowd grows wild!) Yup,that's right! I'm starting a new business! I'm selling matching flannel shirts for couples, daddy/daughter and for anyone else who wants to match!

Lumber Jack Red
(This is Neil and Lora Johnson...Aren't they cute?!)
Back Story.
 It all started on accident. I wanted to match my boyfriend for Christmas, but I couldn't find anything I liked! I was looking for matching flannels, after hours,days,months of fruitless searching, I decided to do my own thing.  I bought two men's shirts. One in Isaiah's size and the smallest one I could find for me. I chopped that baby up and altered it to fit me! I liked it so much, I made one to match my dad!  I had family and friends tell me I should sell them. Hence, "Alterations By Grace" was born!

 I'm selling  these shirts for only $50 a set. With Valentines day coming up, these shirts would make the perfect gift for that special someone! 
I have three different colors to choose from. Lumber Jack Red, Lumber Jack Blue, and Americana. Just send me the color, men's size, and women's measurements (below) you need for the shirts! I'm also willing to ship them! Just pay for shipping and it'll be at your door before you know it! 

Caution, these shirts are %100 cotton and may shrink. 
*Colors and sizes are subject to availability.

Women's flannel measurements.
(In inches please!)
Arm length (shoulder to wrist.):
Length you'd like in the front:
( From shoulder down.)
Length you'd like in the back:

You can contact me at: 
Phone-  218-481-2212

Oh, you have no idea how stinking cold I was in the picture!! It was freezing, but a ton of fun! All the pictures were taken by Neil Johnson! Thanks Mr. Johnson for everything! 

Thanks for reading!
