Wednesday 14 March 2018

Spring is apon us!!!

Tis March once again,
hopefully, the snow will stay away,
will I be wishing in vain?
I'm ready to put away the sleigh,
and ready too for the mud,
hoping that my rubbers won't flood!
There are new babies everywhere you look,
I don't just see them in a picture book!
 With the snow melting, there is more work to do.
but luckily we have a big crew!!
More cows to milk, calves to feed,
I try to get it all done at great speed!
Even though spring is crazy busy,
and everyone is in a tizzy.
I wouldn't trade spring for anything.
It might not be a glamorous life like a king,
But it's a farmers life I live and breathe!

 Howdy to one and all!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Today as you can tell by the poem, I'm really wishing for spring! On the farm, it feels like spring with all of the baby animals that we have running around! But I wouldn't mind the weather to be a bit warmer. ;) I've got fond memories as a kid of mud puddles, mud fights, and the fresh smell of spring! Yes, I did say mud fights..... us girls were real tomboys. I'll just leave it at that. ;)  

Anyways, I mentioned that we have some babies running around! Yup! We have 7 puppies, but they're old news now. They are so stinking cute and crazy noisy!! They are living in our basement because it's been too cold for them outside and you can hear them upstairs!! It's crazy! They'll whine and bark at you when you're at the wood stove and they won't stop till you pet them! 3 are spoken for so there are only 2 males left! The price is $250 and they're going fast! So if you'd like one call, 218-206-4440 ask for Jerry or 218-591-5756 ask for Cora.  The puppy selling is my little brother Luke's business. The dad of these adorable puppies is his dog, Buddy! (Which if you are an old reader you know about him.) Oh, also the puppies will be ready to go by next week! They are eating meat and milk-soaked dog food. 
Aren't they cute!?!

We also have 4 new calves!! It all happened kinda suddenly. One calf was born, then the next day two, then we took one home. We have two heifers,(girls) and two bulls.(boys) It's kinda funny one boy and one girl are a really cute red and white while the other boy and girl are a plain red. They are so sweet though! I just love calves! Their curly, soft coats and cute little faces! We haven't named the girls but I have named the boys. 
 Ok, so the calf on the right is a girl! Her name is Rose or Rosebud. She's my little girl. :) 
The calf on the left is a boy, that's Little Prince.

This is our newest little guy! He's a no name right now, but I'm thinking maybe Sir Loin? ;)

Meet Markey! Our first calf born this year! He's also the smallest calf so far!

This little girl doesn't have a name yet and will not stand still at all!! 
Taking of pictures of her is really hard, this is the best picture I got!

All hail the new king of the barn!!!
A long time ago I wrote a blog post about a certain cat being king over the farm. (You can read that here.)
Well, unfortunately, our dear King Christopher left us when we got Missy. (our dog.) Well, like in that story the bunnies have once again taken over the barn.........

Jasper hops over to the old calico cat that was licking up the dripping milk on the concrete floor. "Your Highness, your husband has been gone for over a year now and before he disappeared, the bunnies had rule over the barn. Queen Rosa and Bella have also went missing after they tasted the outside world. No one has seen them ever again" The calico raised her eyes to the white, black-eared bunny. She sighed and walked over to a pile of hay and started to clean off her paws. " Your Highness! I found Mickey's decree he made that says the barn is the bunnies rule!" He said as he followed her, twitching his nose with irritation, that she showed so little concern with the matter. "Your point, Jasper?" She asked between licks.  "My point is that I should be king of this barn! There is even a royal decree that proves it!" He says as he stands on his hind legs and waves his little paws for emphases.  "I see." The calico carefully stretches and lays down ready for a nap. "We'll do the ceremony tonight then. We'll have to wait till we have to cows in the barn as witnesses."  Jasper listens intently his eyes growing larger and larger. Excitement growing in his belly, his black ears twitting with anticipation. "Why thank you, your Highness!! I won't let you down! I'll rule this barn with wisdom and love!"  The calico smiled and waved him off with her paw. Jasper hopped away to the other end of the barn, where the bunny hutches were kept. 


Jasper hopped around the barn making his early morning checkup. He spotted Mr. Silky the black, little chicken, pecking at the concrete. "Hello, Mr. Silky! How are you doing today?"  The silky tilted his little head, staring a beady eye at the rabbit. Jasper gulped and tried to shake away the uneasiness that fell over him. "I'm fine, King Jasper."   Jasper forced a smile and nodded his head, "I'm glad I..." The barn door opened and the milking crew arrived. Jasper ran to the bunnies and watched the humans milk the cows. He noticed that Mr. Silky was eyeing up the girl that was walking back and forth in the barn. Suddenly Jasper heard a commotion and saw the silky flying backward! Jasper gasped and hopped a little closer. Him being the King, he must know everything that goes on in the barn. He paused and heard the Silky talking, well, yelling. He was spitting mad.  "Ahhhhhhhh!!! You think you can just walk past me and not get drilled, girl!?! Well, you've got another thing coming to you! How dare you kick me!!!!" Jasper watches the Silky run at the girl again, whispering threats all the way. The girl looked ready, her foot went back, the Silky got closer, a perfectly laid kick on the chicken sending him a couple feet. He got up and ran at her again, she kicked harder this time sending him 5 feet. He paused getting his breath back, Jasper thought this was a good time to intervene. "She'll keep kicking you farther and farther if you keep going at her like that. You don't want to be bruised up, do you? She feeds you chicken feed out of her hand! She makes sure you're fed, she didn't mean to ruffle your feathers." Jasper kept his eyes on the steaming Silky, he began to calm down a little more the longer he talked. Finally, the Silky settled down and went back to his pecking. Jasper blew a sigh of relief. He never would have thought that being a King of the barn was so much work. He wondered how in the world Christopher did it! And he ruled the whole farm!!

Yes, the bunnies are in the barn again, hopefully, they'll be moving out soon! Yes, Jasper is running around the barn loose. He rather likes his freedom. ;) Oh, also the story about the silky chicken and the girl, well that really did happen. I was the girl who got it. Luckily I was wearing snow pants and that little bird only weighs about a pound so it was easy to teach how to fly backward. ;) 
The evil Mr.Silky! Doesn't he look so cute, fluffy, and innocent!? Well, he isn't! 

Well, that's all I got for now! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a blessed day!!!
