Friday 4 December 2020

There Coming!!!! By Ali Johnston

 Part one.

 It was a warm Saturday afternoon and the horses were peacefully eating in the field when suddenly  they heard something, it was Peppy the fat Shetland pony, running towards them full speed. His legs are short but don’t be fooled! He’s the fastest pony on this side of the Floodwood river! He came to a halting stop in front of Stardust. (shes the leader of the herd, and everyone obeys her ever wish except for the donkey Benny. He’s the outcast of the herd.. He was band from the pasture because he bites everyone’s knees. ) “What is it?!?”Stardust asked the pony as he tried to catch his breath, “Hu hum. “ “spit it out!”Hank yelled at Peppy. Stardust flattened her ears and shot Hank a furious glare warning him to be quiet. (Hank is the newest member of the herd and the biggest. He’s a big paint gelding with a heart the size of a round bale. ) “Humans!!” Peppy managed to get out in his small, squeaky voice. “What’s wrong with that?” Hank asked. Hanks question was ignored as Eclipse stepped forward and flattened her ears at Hank, telling him to move out of the way so she could speak to the pony.  (Eclipse is Stardusts mother and the oldest member of the herd. She was closest to peppy because they had gone on many trail rides together. When she isn’t nipping him on the rump and he isn’t kicking her in the chest, they get along quiet nicely. ) “How many did you see, Peppy”Eclipse questioned him. “Just one, Ali. “ Eclipse walked away knowing that she had nothing to worry about because Ali was not her owner. “Was she carrying halters?” Stardust asked. “Yes!” Peppy answered in a dramatic voice. Hank had a puzzled look on his face. Stardust rolled her eyes in disgust. Peppy shuffled over to Hank and looked up into his eyes.Hank shuttered a little. “That means that she wants to work with us!!” He said again in his dramatic voice. Hank slowly backed away from the strange little pony. Peppy still kept his gaze locked on Hank which made him very uncomfortable and backed up even more. “Peppy, go tell Dot  what’s happening but don’t run yet. She might have treats!”stardust informed them.          To be continued. 

Story by Ali Johnston