Friday 4 December 2020

There Coming!!!! By Ali Johnston

 Part one.

 It was a warm Saturday afternoon and the horses were peacefully eating in the field when suddenly  they heard something, it was Peppy the fat Shetland pony, running towards them full speed. His legs are short but don’t be fooled! He’s the fastest pony on this side of the Floodwood river! He came to a halting stop in front of Stardust. (shes the leader of the herd, and everyone obeys her ever wish except for the donkey Benny. He’s the outcast of the herd.. He was band from the pasture because he bites everyone’s knees. ) “What is it?!?”Stardust asked the pony as he tried to catch his breath, “Hu hum. “ “spit it out!”Hank yelled at Peppy. Stardust flattened her ears and shot Hank a furious glare warning him to be quiet. (Hank is the newest member of the herd and the biggest. He’s a big paint gelding with a heart the size of a round bale. ) “Humans!!” Peppy managed to get out in his small, squeaky voice. “What’s wrong with that?” Hank asked. Hanks question was ignored as Eclipse stepped forward and flattened her ears at Hank, telling him to move out of the way so she could speak to the pony.  (Eclipse is Stardusts mother and the oldest member of the herd. She was closest to peppy because they had gone on many trail rides together. When she isn’t nipping him on the rump and he isn’t kicking her in the chest, they get along quiet nicely. ) “How many did you see, Peppy”Eclipse questioned him. “Just one, Ali. “ Eclipse walked away knowing that she had nothing to worry about because Ali was not her owner. “Was she carrying halters?” Stardust asked. “Yes!” Peppy answered in a dramatic voice. Hank had a puzzled look on his face. Stardust rolled her eyes in disgust. Peppy shuffled over to Hank and looked up into his eyes.Hank shuttered a little. “That means that she wants to work with us!!” He said again in his dramatic voice. Hank slowly backed away from the strange little pony. Peppy still kept his gaze locked on Hank which made him very uncomfortable and backed up even more. “Peppy, go tell Dot  what’s happening but don’t run yet. She might have treats!”stardust informed them.          To be continued. 

Story by Ali Johnston 

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Spring is apon us!!!

Tis March once again,
hopefully, the snow will stay away,
will I be wishing in vain?
I'm ready to put away the sleigh,
and ready too for the mud,
hoping that my rubbers won't flood!
There are new babies everywhere you look,
I don't just see them in a picture book!
 With the snow melting, there is more work to do.
but luckily we have a big crew!!
More cows to milk, calves to feed,
I try to get it all done at great speed!
Even though spring is crazy busy,
and everyone is in a tizzy.
I wouldn't trade spring for anything.
It might not be a glamorous life like a king,
But it's a farmers life I live and breathe!

 Howdy to one and all!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Today as you can tell by the poem, I'm really wishing for spring! On the farm, it feels like spring with all of the baby animals that we have running around! But I wouldn't mind the weather to be a bit warmer. ;) I've got fond memories as a kid of mud puddles, mud fights, and the fresh smell of spring! Yes, I did say mud fights..... us girls were real tomboys. I'll just leave it at that. ;)  

Anyways, I mentioned that we have some babies running around! Yup! We have 7 puppies, but they're old news now. They are so stinking cute and crazy noisy!! They are living in our basement because it's been too cold for them outside and you can hear them upstairs!! It's crazy! They'll whine and bark at you when you're at the wood stove and they won't stop till you pet them! 3 are spoken for so there are only 2 males left! The price is $250 and they're going fast! So if you'd like one call, 218-206-4440 ask for Jerry or 218-591-5756 ask for Cora.  The puppy selling is my little brother Luke's business. The dad of these adorable puppies is his dog, Buddy! (Which if you are an old reader you know about him.) Oh, also the puppies will be ready to go by next week! They are eating meat and milk-soaked dog food. 
Aren't they cute!?!

We also have 4 new calves!! It all happened kinda suddenly. One calf was born, then the next day two, then we took one home. We have two heifers,(girls) and two bulls.(boys) It's kinda funny one boy and one girl are a really cute red and white while the other boy and girl are a plain red. They are so sweet though! I just love calves! Their curly, soft coats and cute little faces! We haven't named the girls but I have named the boys. 
 Ok, so the calf on the right is a girl! Her name is Rose or Rosebud. She's my little girl. :) 
The calf on the left is a boy, that's Little Prince.

This is our newest little guy! He's a no name right now, but I'm thinking maybe Sir Loin? ;)

Meet Markey! Our first calf born this year! He's also the smallest calf so far!

This little girl doesn't have a name yet and will not stand still at all!! 
Taking of pictures of her is really hard, this is the best picture I got!

All hail the new king of the barn!!!
A long time ago I wrote a blog post about a certain cat being king over the farm. (You can read that here.)
Well, unfortunately, our dear King Christopher left us when we got Missy. (our dog.) Well, like in that story the bunnies have once again taken over the barn.........

Jasper hops over to the old calico cat that was licking up the dripping milk on the concrete floor. "Your Highness, your husband has been gone for over a year now and before he disappeared, the bunnies had rule over the barn. Queen Rosa and Bella have also went missing after they tasted the outside world. No one has seen them ever again" The calico raised her eyes to the white, black-eared bunny. She sighed and walked over to a pile of hay and started to clean off her paws. " Your Highness! I found Mickey's decree he made that says the barn is the bunnies rule!" He said as he followed her, twitching his nose with irritation, that she showed so little concern with the matter. "Your point, Jasper?" She asked between licks.  "My point is that I should be king of this barn! There is even a royal decree that proves it!" He says as he stands on his hind legs and waves his little paws for emphases.  "I see." The calico carefully stretches and lays down ready for a nap. "We'll do the ceremony tonight then. We'll have to wait till we have to cows in the barn as witnesses."  Jasper listens intently his eyes growing larger and larger. Excitement growing in his belly, his black ears twitting with anticipation. "Why thank you, your Highness!! I won't let you down! I'll rule this barn with wisdom and love!"  The calico smiled and waved him off with her paw. Jasper hopped away to the other end of the barn, where the bunny hutches were kept. 


Jasper hopped around the barn making his early morning checkup. He spotted Mr. Silky the black, little chicken, pecking at the concrete. "Hello, Mr. Silky! How are you doing today?"  The silky tilted his little head, staring a beady eye at the rabbit. Jasper gulped and tried to shake away the uneasiness that fell over him. "I'm fine, King Jasper."   Jasper forced a smile and nodded his head, "I'm glad I..." The barn door opened and the milking crew arrived. Jasper ran to the bunnies and watched the humans milk the cows. He noticed that Mr. Silky was eyeing up the girl that was walking back and forth in the barn. Suddenly Jasper heard a commotion and saw the silky flying backward! Jasper gasped and hopped a little closer. Him being the King, he must know everything that goes on in the barn. He paused and heard the Silky talking, well, yelling. He was spitting mad.  "Ahhhhhhhh!!! You think you can just walk past me and not get drilled, girl!?! Well, you've got another thing coming to you! How dare you kick me!!!!" Jasper watches the Silky run at the girl again, whispering threats all the way. The girl looked ready, her foot went back, the Silky got closer, a perfectly laid kick on the chicken sending him a couple feet. He got up and ran at her again, she kicked harder this time sending him 5 feet. He paused getting his breath back, Jasper thought this was a good time to intervene. "She'll keep kicking you farther and farther if you keep going at her like that. You don't want to be bruised up, do you? She feeds you chicken feed out of her hand! She makes sure you're fed, she didn't mean to ruffle your feathers." Jasper kept his eyes on the steaming Silky, he began to calm down a little more the longer he talked. Finally, the Silky settled down and went back to his pecking. Jasper blew a sigh of relief. He never would have thought that being a King of the barn was so much work. He wondered how in the world Christopher did it! And he ruled the whole farm!!

Yes, the bunnies are in the barn again, hopefully, they'll be moving out soon! Yes, Jasper is running around the barn loose. He rather likes his freedom. ;) Oh, also the story about the silky chicken and the girl, well that really did happen. I was the girl who got it. Luckily I was wearing snow pants and that little bird only weighs about a pound so it was easy to teach how to fly backward. ;) 
The evil Mr.Silky! Doesn't he look so cute, fluffy, and innocent!? Well, he isn't! 

Well, that's all I got for now! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a blessed day!!!


Saturday 17 February 2018

New Members Of the Family!!

Howdy  to everyone!!!

Yes, I'm back with a farm update! It's a miracle and a half!! ;) I've been really bad this year about my blog and I beg for your forgiveness!! I'm going to try to put one out at least once a month. That's my goal. We'll see though....

 Anyways! Missy had puppies!! If you guys remember she had puppies last year and ummm, it didn't go to well..... She literally had them on the run and wouldn't nurse them unless my dad sat next to her. She was crazy loyal to my dad and a terrible mom. Luckily for us she calmed down a lot and grew up some! She started slowing down a lot, staying in the porch when we're milking and she even stopped following my dad around! Man alive, she was huge!!

It was Thursday morning when we noticed something was up with her. She was whimpering, whining and just acting very, very strange. Like growling at my grandpa one minute and begging for attention the next.  It was hard to keep our focus on school, everyone had puppies on their mind. The day passed, she was moved from the porch to the kitchen and still no puppies. 6 o'clock rolled around and we had youth group. So we left her home knowing that we'll probably have puppies when we got home. Around 9, we came home to fresh little puppies on the couch. Yes, the couch. No one thought in their mad rush to leave, that she'd have them on the couch! And not just one but all the seats in the living room! So while the kids were "Oooing and Ahhing" over the little babies, mom and I were scrubbing! It was a long night.

There is seven of these cute things! 

I just think this picture is so cute!! A puppy snuggling with momma!

This batch have waaayyyy more white on them and they are waaaayyy noisier!!!

This puppy doesn't have a name but it's the one that is always whining, whimpering, or barking. It also sleeps with it's mouth open and sometimes on his back! 

They are all black and white, except for  this one. It's my favorite one! It has black, brown and white!! It's also the most friendly one! 

The puppies will be ready to go at the end of March. So pick yours out! I'll post more picture of them! 

Thanks for reading!!


Thursday 1 February 2018

Alterations By Grace

Isaiah and I!

Howdy to one and all!! (Yes, I'm back! No, it's not a farm update.)

I'm really excited to tell you guys about my newest project! (Read in a deep announcers voice.) Let me present to you "Alterations By Grace!" (Crowd grows wild!) Yup,that's right! I'm starting a new business! I'm selling matching flannel shirts for couples, daddy/daughter and for anyone else who wants to match!

Lumber Jack Red
(This is Neil and Lora Johnson...Aren't they cute?!)
Back Story.
 It all started on accident. I wanted to match my boyfriend for Christmas, but I couldn't find anything I liked! I was looking for matching flannels, after hours,days,months of fruitless searching, I decided to do my own thing.  I bought two men's shirts. One in Isaiah's size and the smallest one I could find for me. I chopped that baby up and altered it to fit me! I liked it so much, I made one to match my dad!  I had family and friends tell me I should sell them. Hence, "Alterations By Grace" was born!

 I'm selling  these shirts for only $50 a set. With Valentines day coming up, these shirts would make the perfect gift for that special someone! 
I have three different colors to choose from. Lumber Jack Red, Lumber Jack Blue, and Americana. Just send me the color, men's size, and women's measurements (below) you need for the shirts! I'm also willing to ship them! Just pay for shipping and it'll be at your door before you know it! 

Caution, these shirts are %100 cotton and may shrink. 
*Colors and sizes are subject to availability.

Women's flannel measurements.
(In inches please!)
Arm length (shoulder to wrist.):
Length you'd like in the front:
( From shoulder down.)
Length you'd like in the back:

You can contact me at: 
Phone-  218-481-2212

Oh, you have no idea how stinking cold I was in the picture!! It was freezing, but a ton of fun! All the pictures were taken by Neil Johnson! Thanks Mr. Johnson for everything! 

Thanks for reading!


Monday 24 July 2017

Puppies and Kittens and a Donkey OH MY!

Howdy to one and all!! So, haying season is upon us and that means late nights, early mornings, church skippers, missing meals, and being on a mostly water diet because you want to beat the rain.

Haying one of the most crazy times of the year.  Everyone is out in fields. Even if you don't know how to drive a tractor, you'll learn. Even though it is a crazy time, I still love it! I have memories of sitting in the Belarus with my dad while he was baling or in the combine. And to this day I love stepping back and looking at a clean field with hay bales on it admiring my father's work. Well, this year all of us kids can step back and admire our work. This year was different with haying season. With daddy home, we were able to make it pretty fast but, also since we're older, we got to be out there helping. With Becca and Luke taking turn raking and daddy was baling. What about me? Well, I ran them back and forth from field to field. And then my turn came. I baled for the first time. There's something special about being on a big tractor watching the bales come out. Its great! As weird as it is, I loved being on the tractor with only God to talk to. Yeah, I'm a farmers daughter and proud of it! :)   Anyways, I hope haying is going well for ya'll and that your crop may be great!! :)

So, I have a lot of exciting news for the blog! We have a few new members of the family! First is.....

Kittens. (Yippy)
Yup, we have kittens again. If you want one text 218-591-5756. They are ready to go and need a home! There's two left so, ya might want to act fast! They are great mousers and are outdoor cats! So, that's a bonus! :)
Sorry, they wouldn't quit moving! It was almost impossible to get a picture of them!
Also we have....
That's right! Missy had her puppies! They are soooooo stinking cute too!
 The puppy that's sitting on the left it Cody. He's the only one we named.
Why? He looks like a Cody. We really don't have a reason.:)
There's 2 girls and 3 boys. Missy is a really good mom. It's funny because if we are with her puppies, she counts them and makes sure they are ok. She also won't leave us with them. She'll run out the door then 2 seconds later she comes back to see if we're still there. Man and are they noisy! They sound like cats! It's really strange, but they are soo cute! Buddy, (The father.) will come and lay next to them and watch them till Missy comes back. They scare him sometimes. He'll be laying with them watching and then one of them will whine and he'll jump back. It really funny to watch! They'll be ready to go in 6 to 8 weeks. Luke is the one you'll want to talk to if you want to get yourself one of these absolutely adorable puppies! They are 3/4  Border Collie and 1/4  Blue Heeler. 
We also have a.......
Baby Donkey!!!
Yup! Lolly and Benny are the proud parents of this little girl! I've never seen a baby donkey before and they are soooooo cute!! It's so small too! Lolly is being a really good momma and the baby is the sweetest thing ever! So, really truly ya'll will just have to come to see all the new animals we have! It's great! :)
Oh so, we had a cow, (June) who's hoof was really bad, like she could barely walk.  We prayed about it that night, because we really like her and we need her to milk. Well the next morning I noticed that her hoof seemed a lot better. She was able to walk! My dad wanted to give her medicine, just in case. So after we milked her, daddy went to get the shot all ready. I was kinda watching out of the corner of my eye. But what really caught my eye was daddy walking back to me confused. He looks at me and says, "My needle broke, in half. I didn't even touch her and it broke."  I was confused then, I was trying to figure out why in the world it broke when he comes back from replacing that needle, "God broke my needle."  I looked at him confused. "What??"   He said that the stuff he had in there was the wrong medicine and that we wouldn't have been able to milk her for a month! I just thank and praise God that he broke that needle! He knew we needed the milk, and he knew it was the wrong stuff! So, that was really cool! This is one of the reasons I love living on a farm. You see Gods handy work every where! He's working miracles everyday and is providing everyday!
Many of you probably know that my dad quit his job, and really we shouldn't be making it with just 12 cows milking. But God is providing for us, giving us just what we need. Nothing more, nothing less. He's using this farm to teach my family trust and faith. To trust in him to have faith he will provide. And he does because he's such a loving, great God!
Sorry for such a short post, but there's an update!
Have a great day and may God bless you!!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

A Cowboy Hijacked My Blog!!

Howdy! We've have had a lot happening on the farm and we've been really busy. But I think it's high time for a post! It's muddy, dreary, and I've got all the house work done so I thought, "I probably should get around to writing a blog post today." I also didn't have any more good excuses. :)

Farm Update With Reporter Lorraine.

Hello, this is Lorraine with you live at Johnstons Riverview Farm and today I'll be touring the farm and giving you the best report on it."   She steps into the dairy barn. "As you have heard the family farm is shipping milk to Bernett Dairy! They also have made their herd bigger, as you probably knew. And now since they have a bigger herd, the milkers doubled. They are using 4 milking machines!

This has helped get milking done faster and more efficiently. I've talked with the four milking people, (Jerry, Grace, Becca, and Luke.) and they said that having four machines makes it faster! You put on, take off, let those cows out and get another batch in! I also was told that they will soon be milking on both sides of the barn! So they'll be milking 8 cows at once instead of 4! The Johnston's farm is moving up with their operation!

She walks out of the barn to the calves pen.

Not only has the dairy barn been improved but the calves living situation. They are put into their own panel pens at night and then they are let outside in the day time to enjoy some sunshine!
                Also, a certain milkmaid sits with the babies soaking up the sun with them! :)

Oh! I just was told that they have 2, no, 3 new members of the family! Oh wait, ummm, Grace just informed me that they have 2 new members and 1 part time member. I'll explain in a moment.

The first new member of the family is.......
A cute little jersey heifer with a adorable personality! You can't help but love her!

This poor little guy has a bad leg, as you can tell in the picture. He got a really bad cut and isn't putting any weight on it at all. He's super sweet and full of energy though! He's a fighter for sure!!

We pause this report with a word from our sponsors!
(Read this with a deep announcer's voice.)

Do you get tired of trying to get cute pictures of your farm animals. Waiting for hours and hours just for them to do something cute!? Well, we bring you selfie gate! The gate that takes your pet's selfies! It watches your pet and when it does something cute, it snaps a picture! Here are some example pictures!

It's only $99.99! Call now! Limited time only!!
Call: 1-800-GATE-CAM

Special report by Isaiah!

Howdy to all!! My name is Isaiah Johnson, and I'll tell you a little bit about myself so that we can get better acquainted. I'm a Christian, hunter, farmer, and Grace's amazing cowboy! My favorite animal is a cow, but to be more specific, I should say that a Texas Longhorn is my favorite type of cow. In March, I bought three bred cows, Minnie, Moo, and Buttercup. They have been at the Johnstons the last couple of months. The little guy above (whose name is Bobbo or Bob for short) is my first calf that I've had! He's simply adorable and also very loud! Moo had this little guy during the middle of the night on May 13th. Poor little Bobbo was found all by himself in the hay barn that morning. When Mr. Johnston brought him out to the cows Bobbo was like "Yay! I get to be with my mom!!" but when he got out there he was completely rejected by his mother! On the very day before Mother's Day even! On a scale of one to ten we're going to give this mom a negative 5! So Moo's new name is now ground beef. So the main lesson of all this is that if you're a mother cow reading this you better be a good mom otherwise you'll end up in a very unpleasant place.
The End 
If you ever need any organic, grass-fed, beef in the future, I will have some ready by next fall and can start taking orders now. :) My contact info is 612-964-8050 (It's a cities number but don't mind that) :) Hope you have an amazing day!!  

Now moving onto the piglets!! :)

Oh! They have piglets!! Folks these are so stinking cute! They just roam the farm and come and go as they please! It's really quite cute!

 I'm also told that Pigcat babysits them when they are sleeping!
Isaiah's thoughts on pigs.
Nothing much needs to be said about pigs except for that they sure do look good as bacon!
That's all folks! have a great week and God bless! :)

Grace and Isaiah.

Monday 1 May 2017

Bob's Story

Hello, I'm Bob, a Red Slider, living with the Johnstons. I  was dropped off by my owner to this kind family. Everything was going just fine. The boy of the family loved me! He fed me all the time, always asking how I was doing. "How you doing Bob? You hungry Bob? Bob, you look so handsome. Hey Boooobbbb!!!"
Yeah, he was an annoying kid, but a kind one. When I was settled into my tank on the kitchen table, SHE came down. Right when I saw her, I knew it was trouble. It was the mother of the family. She took one look at me and then sent a look that could kill, to the tallest, kindest guy. Who I presumed is their dad. He right away explained that they weren't going to keep me. They would find a home for me. Yeah, he left real quick. There was 4 girls in the family, they didn't really pay any attention to me. Well, the littlest one did. She would wait till her brother went out to milk the cows to feed me.
Life was good. I was being fed on the hour, warm water, someone to talk to, and plus I got my shell brushed every so often! It was like turtle heaven. Then it happened.
I noticed that the family was in  a frenzy one morning. They were running around like chickens with their heads chopped off. It was crazy! Then they ran out the door and left. I thought it was strange so I climbed on top of my rock to look at the calendar next to the fridge. I stretched my neck to try to read the calendar.   "This family is nuts," I thought to myself.  "I thought it was April, but this says it's March, how hard is it to flip the page on a calendar! I bet even a turtle like me could do it!"
I was sitting on my rock grumbling when a cold burst of wind came. I dove back into the water and looked at the door. "Maybe they came back." I was hoping, I could have really gone for a mealworm right then. But what I saw was not the family, I didn't know what it was. There was two of these furry black and white beasts.  I hunkered down in the water listening to them.
"Aww, Missy you got the door open! I wish I could do it like that, you're so smart and talented and purty!" The biggest one said.    Missy looked at her companion , "You do know how to do it you big lug! And of course I'm smart, talented, and pretty! I'm Jerry's favorite. I get the cows out of the barn for him, I ride in the tractor with him, I am always there, while you are sitting in the way, drinking milk and thinking about butterflies!"    Buddy looks at her with a goofy grin with his tongue hanging out, " Yeah, that's all true! But, I can't help but think about butterflies, there so much fun to chase! "
Missy rolls her eyes and walks into the living room, "Hmmm, they're not in here. Buddy, you check upstairs. I want to make sure that they are gone."
Buddy looks up from chewing on a box, "Yes ma'am!" And he ran upstairs tripping all the way.
Missy looks around the sink, looking for the slop bucket.
I'm being quiet, because so far they haven't noticed me. I noticed one thing though. The little one called Missy is the brains, while the bigger one that she called Buddy was really lost in the head.
I heard Buddy falling down the steps and land with a thud! "Hehehee, opps." He sheepishly commented as he righted himself on all four feet.  Missy walks up to him. "Sooo, did you find anyone?"  "Not one person, Missy, though I did find the cutest looking stuffed animal of a dog! He was so cute, I wanted to bring him down so you could look at him, but you know how it goes, me and my.."    "ENOUGH Buddy! I really don't care about a stuffed animal!" Missy huffs and walks back towards the kitchen.
Buddy walked up to my tank and sat and stared at me. I tried not to move. I was so scared. "Missy, look at the new pet they have! Isn't he cute!? "  Missy glances over her shoulder, "Yeah, he's real cute Buddy, real cute."
Next thing I  know, Buddy hops on the chair next to the table and puts his big face into my tank.
"Why, hi there cute little turtle, you want to play? You look lonely. Let's play!"
In my tiny little brain I was thinking, "No, lets not play, Bob doesn't want to play, Bob doesn't know how to play!"  Unfortunately, I didn't have a choice in the matter. Buddy opened up the huge jaws of his and picked me up out of my beautiful tank.  
He then proceeded to bite at my lovely shell that was just polished and pushed me around the living room, growling. "You having fun turtle!? I am! I've never played with a turtled before! This is great fun!" After saying that with a goofy grin on his face, he licked my shell and went to lay down.
Missy became curious about what Buddy was playing with, so she walked in and about had a heart attack. "Buddy!! What did you do!?!?!" She looked at my beat up shell and then at Buddy. "Why in the world did you take the turtle out!? Jerry is going to be soooooo mad!!!!"  Buddy looked up sleepily, "He wanted to play."    Missy rolled her eyes, and calmed the anger that was rising. "I bet he did, you're lucky that I'm here!"
Missy walked up to the turtle and pushed him under the couch. " There, they'll never know." Missy's ears pricked up, " There home!!!!!! Run!!"   Missy bolted out of the house, Buddy slowly followed. And me, I'm under a couch with cobwebs and who knows what...hoping that they will find me. I heard voices, panic filled noises, then nothing. Hours went by and nothing. I got tired and it got dark. I decided I would make the best of the situation. I had a long, cold nap.  Morning finally came and I heard people, I crawled as fast as I could, after hours of crawling I made it out  from under the couch. I sat there resting and waiting, finally the littlest one noticed me.
Now, I am back in my beautiful tank with food every hour and a story to tell.
So this really did happen. Well, parts of it did. Yes, we got a turtle, yes, he went missing and yes, we found him. When we go home from church we found the house door open and a dog walking out. Then when we found poor Bob, his shell was pretty beat up. So, this is how I think it happened. :)
Coming soon will be another farm update!
Thanks for reading!