Wednesday 17 May 2017

A Cowboy Hijacked My Blog!!

Howdy! We've have had a lot happening on the farm and we've been really busy. But I think it's high time for a post! It's muddy, dreary, and I've got all the house work done so I thought, "I probably should get around to writing a blog post today." I also didn't have any more good excuses. :)

Farm Update With Reporter Lorraine.

Hello, this is Lorraine with you live at Johnstons Riverview Farm and today I'll be touring the farm and giving you the best report on it."   She steps into the dairy barn. "As you have heard the family farm is shipping milk to Bernett Dairy! They also have made their herd bigger, as you probably knew. And now since they have a bigger herd, the milkers doubled. They are using 4 milking machines!

This has helped get milking done faster and more efficiently. I've talked with the four milking people, (Jerry, Grace, Becca, and Luke.) and they said that having four machines makes it faster! You put on, take off, let those cows out and get another batch in! I also was told that they will soon be milking on both sides of the barn! So they'll be milking 8 cows at once instead of 4! The Johnston's farm is moving up with their operation!

She walks out of the barn to the calves pen.

Not only has the dairy barn been improved but the calves living situation. They are put into their own panel pens at night and then they are let outside in the day time to enjoy some sunshine!
                Also, a certain milkmaid sits with the babies soaking up the sun with them! :)

Oh! I just was told that they have 2, no, 3 new members of the family! Oh wait, ummm, Grace just informed me that they have 2 new members and 1 part time member. I'll explain in a moment.

The first new member of the family is.......
A cute little jersey heifer with a adorable personality! You can't help but love her!

This poor little guy has a bad leg, as you can tell in the picture. He got a really bad cut and isn't putting any weight on it at all. He's super sweet and full of energy though! He's a fighter for sure!!

We pause this report with a word from our sponsors!
(Read this with a deep announcer's voice.)

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Special report by Isaiah!

Howdy to all!! My name is Isaiah Johnson, and I'll tell you a little bit about myself so that we can get better acquainted. I'm a Christian, hunter, farmer, and Grace's amazing cowboy! My favorite animal is a cow, but to be more specific, I should say that a Texas Longhorn is my favorite type of cow. In March, I bought three bred cows, Minnie, Moo, and Buttercup. They have been at the Johnstons the last couple of months. The little guy above (whose name is Bobbo or Bob for short) is my first calf that I've had! He's simply adorable and also very loud! Moo had this little guy during the middle of the night on May 13th. Poor little Bobbo was found all by himself in the hay barn that morning. When Mr. Johnston brought him out to the cows Bobbo was like "Yay! I get to be with my mom!!" but when he got out there he was completely rejected by his mother! On the very day before Mother's Day even! On a scale of one to ten we're going to give this mom a negative 5! So Moo's new name is now ground beef. So the main lesson of all this is that if you're a mother cow reading this you better be a good mom otherwise you'll end up in a very unpleasant place.
The End 
If you ever need any organic, grass-fed, beef in the future, I will have some ready by next fall and can start taking orders now. :) My contact info is 612-964-8050 (It's a cities number but don't mind that) :) Hope you have an amazing day!!  

Now moving onto the piglets!! :)

Oh! They have piglets!! Folks these are so stinking cute! They just roam the farm and come and go as they please! It's really quite cute!

 I'm also told that Pigcat babysits them when they are sleeping!
Isaiah's thoughts on pigs.
Nothing much needs to be said about pigs except for that they sure do look good as bacon!
That's all folks! have a great week and God bless! :)

Grace and Isaiah.

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