So bye Ya'll!!!
This blog is all about our family farm! It'll have pictures, jokes and funny, true stories! A new post will (hopefully) be posted every other week. You don't want to miss any of these hilarious posts! :)
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Howdy!!! It's me again! ;) Yesterday I said I would tell you about my horse Stardust the skirt eater right? Right, Well Stardust was born on our farm. So she was(and still is) VERY friendly ,I mean VERY friendly!! ;)When ever she got out you couldn't lead her because she wasn't trained right then.So you had to walk out side pet her open a gate and walk with her. She would walk RIGHT behind you, right on your heals!! It's true that was the only way to get her in to the pen! So then I finally got her use to the halter and lead rope,and she grew bigger and bigger. Ok, so lets go two years forward, One day we were having some friends over.(These friends wanted to ride horses, but it just didn't work out.) They wear skirts all the time, so we went out to see Stardust.We walked over to her,(and I'm bursting with pride! ;) we started petting her and I was telling them all about her. When it happened Stardust reached out her neck and grabbed a hold of Victoria's skirt! So I slapped Star's nose and my pride's bubble just popped. ;) lol! That happens when you are too prideful! So now she three years old, and I trained her to ride! But she doesn't really like other people but me on her back! lol! ;)
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