Saturday 18 January 2014


Today we will talk about organization. As you'll see latter on in other post, I'm a organization freak. Every thing needs to be organized with me. Lol! But I'll tell you something, my room is always a mess. But my closet is organized!  Anyways, I'm going to show you the pictures of the before and after of the laundry room/playroom.


As you can see it's still a little messy. I took the photo before I swept. so 
ignore the mess by the broom! Pay for attention to how nice it looks! :)

 I know I don't have a After picture of the three shelves, I wasn't able to post it. But, trust me! 
It was organized! I promise! :) 

I love to use baskets,boxs,and crates when I organize! 
Well, I hope this gave you guys some idea about organizing and how  good it looks after ward!

Bye for now! Happy Organizing!!

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