Tuesday 18 October 2016

Johnstons Riverview Farm Fall News

Good morning to all! And isn't fall wonderful so far!? I thought that it was going to be rainy the whole season, but halleluiah we have some nice days!
When people see nice days they think, "I can go for a walk! No jacket!" While I think, "Yes! I can dry clothes on the line!" Yeah, I know I have a laundry addiction, but anyways back to the news!
Today  I don't have to much for you guys, so I'm throwing in Grace's Story Corner once again! Yaaaaahhhhh!!! (applause, applause, applause.)   Thank you! I know you all loved it so much! (Even if you didn't like it, I probably still would have done it. :)
Now! To the story corner!!!!!!!! 
Grace's Story Corner!!
Ok, so my dad got a new car! It's a sweet ride compared to the other vehicles we have. Well, dad drove it to church and the we were going to go to my friend's house for lunch. I right away thought of a plan.  Hey! Since mom drove the van, dad can ride with her while Bethany and I drive dad's new car!   I thought that it was a great plan. I cleared it with dad, and Bethany's parents. I was so excited! I haven't drove anywhere with Bethany by myself before! I felt old and important, like a real 16 year old!

Anyways, we left the church earlier than our parents to get to Bethany's house. Boy, am I glad we did! The car over heated about two miles way from her house.  My dad said I over heated the car, but I remember him saying , "Ignore the temperature gage, its sticking. It'll go on high, but then it'll go back down."   Sure dad, it'll go back down!!!   It just stopped accerating, so I pulled over and luckily for us Bethany's parents were right behind us, and so was the missionary. Uhg. My dad fixed it enough to drive it home that day. :) Every new driver needs to break down at least once!

This is reporter Lorraine G and today with me is Bethany Lobb. She'll  be answering some questions for me today.

What were you feeling when you got into the car with this Grace person??
"Giddy and excited!"
What was your first thought when you noticed something was wrong?
"Oh no! What's wrong!?"
Did you feel safe when you where riding with her?
"Oh definitely!"
Did you wonder for the minute that you guys broke down, what heaven would be like?
"No. I was trying to be sensible and practical and remember what to do."
Was there any panicking or anything else??
"Maybe a little. A lot of laughing too. Maybe because it was a little funny and a bit of nerves and scary." 

Thank you Bethany for answering my questions! This is Lorraine G, signing off!

 So, this year is the year for mice. Why? The acorns are less or if you do find one, it's hollow. Every- one is having mice problems, everyone! No one, I say NO ONE, likes mice, unless you have a pet mouse.

So, I thought that I'll give a few tips to keep mice out of your home!!

#1 Traps. The good old fashioned way!
#2 Mouse poison
# 3 Peppermint essential oil.
(Spiders don't like it either so, it kills two birds with one stone!)
And last but not least..............................................


Get a cat!! :)

 Not only are they cute, but they'll have a purpose!! They will be ready to go in a few weeks! Their mom is a great mouser and their dad (Christopher) is a great king. I can't say much for a mousing, but he mostly plays with them. Or waits till Cheetah gets him one. :)
Ali and Peppy going for a ride!

Clover and enjoying sun and grass!!!
You, know when I started to write this post it was so nice out! You know, sunny, windy and warm!! But now, it's cold, rainy and windy! I'll never have a post that go with the weather! It's almost impossible! Oh well, that's life for you! :)

My Sunday School Hike!
So, hence the title I went on an hike to Jay Cook Park. It was so pretty!! So, here are a few pictures of it!
Ok, so, the first three pictures are of the dam.
 Kaity on her thinking rock. :)
 Just chilling on some very sharp rocks.
(The things you do for pictures!)

 Over looking Jay Cook Park.

Look at what I found!!! I found where the Smurfs live!!!!
Isn't it so cute!?

Ahh the beauty and freakiness! I was so stinking scared when I took this picture. I  was on the swinging bridge. I did NOT want to look down, but I did for this picture. Now I can see and appreciate the beauty,but then...Nope!

Walking across the bridge. My wonderful sister Kaity would try to make it bounce and swing. Thanks you ever so much sister! You helped me find out that I am scared of heights!
It was a ton of fun! Like normal, if you have a group of country kids, you are going to find a crawdad hole and play with them. Yes, we tried to pick up the crawdads. I'm telling you though, it was crawdad heaven! You move a rock and there was one! I've never seen so many in my life! (Unless they are in Luke's trap.) Kaity was able to hold one for 1 second. She forgot to grab it behind the pinchers. Yup, she got a hold of the tail and it folded and pinched her! It was great! :)
Thanks for joining me today! Well, until next time, this is Grace and Buddy saying goodbye!

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Good mornings!

There's nothing better then drinking a cup of coffee and doing your devotions early in the morning.

(Ok maybe there is!)

Every morning I  waking up before dawn and read my Bible when every one is still sleeping. I feel like I can study without any distractions.

At lest that's what I thought. (Dramatic music with a dramatic pause.)

Satan tempts me every single morning. Why? Because he doesn't want me to worship God or to grow stronger in him! He will tempt me to finish that book I fell asleep on or to go onto Pinterest to look up sewing patterns. He'll try to tempt us with the things we like.

I saw this quote on Pinterest, I was inspired by it.

"Be the person that when you go to bed the devil is happy.
When you wake up he's worried,
and when you worship God, he flees"   
This reminds me of a verse.

James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
I try to act out this  verse every day though it isn't easy but with God's help it is a little easier.
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armor of God,
that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Putting on the armor of God is when we pray and read his word!
Why do I do devotions in the morning? Well, really it helps me start out my day! When I miss a day of morning devotions I'm crabby.  When I do morning devotions I have a challenge for that day! It could be love, joy, or peace.
Doing devotions at night doesn't really work for me because I can't really put what I learned to action because I'm sleeping.    "Acton's speak louder then words."
Do what ever works for you though. If doing devotions at night work better write down what you learned so you can apply it the next day.:-)

I challenge you all to go to God every morning!! You need him to start your day right! 

Well, bye for now!!
