Monday 28 November 2016


You know the best hunting is when you go out and sit for a half an hour then, BAM!!!
Howdy to all the hunters, farmers, and normal people! I hope that deer season was fun and successful for you! (The hunters out there.)  There's nothing like sitting out in a stand with a tee shirt. 😊 
What hunters have to put up with.......
1. Squirrels....... Must I say more?
How I got my MONSTER buck!!!!
Opening morning my dad put me in a hay bale stand by the hwy, knowing that I wouldn't shoot at the road. (Which would be really dumb.) 
HOLD IT! We are going to pause this story! If you don't know what a hay bale stand is, its pretty much a hay bale wrapped at the top with fabric and you sit on top. They are really comfortable.
It was dark, and I was bored. Luckily for me I had my phone which had a few books on it. As I was sitting there reading, my phone buzzed.  Mom text me, wondering how it was going.  At this time it was probably around 7:30, 7: 40. So, I talked to her for a bit, constantly checking the field for deer. I just happened to look up when I saw it, the buck of my dreams! Walking on the edge of the woods. I threw my phone and knocked my cap off. (I have a problem about hitting the scoop with the bill of my cap, it hurts!)  It was trotting, I knew it was on the move, I thought I saw a nice 8 point rack, my heart was pounding. I literally said, "It's a buck, it's buck!!!" I pulled up my gun, and it walked behind a hay bale. "Stink! " I thought to myself , I sat there for like 2 seconds when it came out from behind. I didn't even think to point the gun ahead of it so it would walk into the bullet and BAM! It kept trotting, my first thought was, "I'm not losing this one!!" I quickly levered one in the chamber and pulled up. It spun and faced me, I aimed for the middle of the chest, it moved when I shot, and down it went. I watched it for a while in disbelief . "I got a buck, I GOT A BUCK!!!" I  told myself a few times, trying to believe it! I got it on the go, even! I was so excited, I clapped and did a little jig in my stand. Then I texted mom, my hands were shaking so bad that the my cell almost flew out of my hands! Then I texted dad, "I got a buck!" And he responded, "Keep an eye on it." I looked at my buck, that was lying there dead, and was frustrated.  I knew it was dead, that it wasn't going any where.  Then he texted me, "Can you see it?"  I looked at my buck thinking, "Yes! I can see it, I also can see that it ISNT going any where!" But, because I didn't really want to be in trouble, all I said was, " Its down, and pretty sure it's dead. "   
So, then I'm talking to myself, doing a few jigs, and thanking God for my buck! All the while waiting for dad to come. Pretty soon I was getting angry. I REALLY wanted to see how big it was REALLY bad! I was arguing with my wonderful father in my head, I wanted him here and now!  (Oh! I should say that him and Luke were at the other end of the field.)  Finally, after winning my argument in my head, I texted him. "PLEASE GET OVER HERE! I really want to see how big my buck is!!"   Believe it or not, that worked, him and Luke came over. Daddy was all confused, he asked where my buck was. I said by the woods. He looked at me funny and then said, "Grace, I don't see your deer" He was looking at the right hand side of the field. "Dad, it's over there." I pointed straight ahead from the stand.   He hops in the truck and starts driving over there while I walked. "I didn't expect you to shoot this way." He commented as he drove. So, then I told him my story, briefly. As we get closer he looks at me, "Gracie, it's looking pretty small."  Ok so, when I was in the stand I was beginning to have doubts, but I knew for sure it was a buck, the way it moved, it was a buck.
Before I spoil anything would you guys like to see a picture of my monster buck???
Yup, my monster buck. Sad, isn't it?? I was so bummed and mad! Oh well, at least I got something! :)
Luke got a really nice buck and a big doe!

He was really happy!
Becca also got a big doe!
You know what's really sad though? My siblings does were waaayyyyy bigger than my buck! Way bigger!!
Kayla got a cute, little doe, and my Grandpa got a nice buck! All in all, this year was a good year! :)
I had a ton of fun this year, sitting out in the stand wanting to kill every single squirrel I hear. Yup, good times. :)
That's all for this post! Have a great day!

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