Tuesday 25 April 2017

Exciting News!!!!!!!

Howdy! So, as you can see from the title, I have some really exciting news! Hold on to your hats, we'll get to it soon enough! :)

First, I want to introduce you guys to our.............
New Members of the Family!!
That's right! I have four new cows that I want you guys to meet!

First up is




And PrettyBoy! Or PB. 
Don't ya just love calves? They are soooo stinking cute, and full of energy! 

 Now, we only have 5 more that will calve and then calving season is over. That is a sad day. I love waking up and going out to the barn and seeing a new calf out in the field. Though dealing with trying to milk their moms isn't as much fun....... :)

                                    We also have three new milk cows!!


 And last, but not least
They are such sweet hearts. Chocolate is probably my favorite.
She is super friendly and I love just being able to sit next to a cow when they are laying down.

You guys are probably thinking, "Man, they just got three cows not that long ago."
Yup! We're trying to build our herd up because......

We are shipping milk!!! The milk truck has came 3 times so far, it's been really cool watching it come and pump the milk into the tank!
We got inspected and we are shipping Grade A milk now! Our farm is a true dairy farm.
Now, we're waiting and praying that our cows will calve so my daddy can stay home this summer.
We'll be milking 17 (or more) cows this summer!

I know ya'll are wondering if we have tossed aside the cheese making. No, it's just on the back burner for now. We are still in the building process of the cheese room. Shipping milk is one step closer to  making cheese again. My mom misses making it and I miss eating it! ;)

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!!!!



Sunday 2 April 2017


Howdy to all! And hold onto your hats, horses, or whatever you have, because here's another Johnstons Riverview Farm blog! By yours truly, Grace!! (The crowd goes wild!)

Well, first things first. You might have noticed a new cow in the picture above. (The black one in the middle.) Yup, she's new and nope, she's not ours. I'm cow sitting my super best friend's Isaiah's three cows. He is super smart to be buying cows at a young age, you all could take a couple of notes from him. (Quote Isaiah.) The one above is Moo.  And the other two look like this...

                                                     Minnie is the all black one and the
white faced one is Buttercup.
Even though  the two Angus look like twins, it's really easy to tell whose, who.
Minnie is bigger because she due sooner then Moo and she's also a lot more headstrong.
 Moo is smaller, and a lot more timid.
Now Buttercup is a Herford, Angus cross and is sweet and timid. They are a pretty good group of cows!

Since we're talking about cows, ours are going to pop soon! DillyBar and Stella look really close to calving, probably the beginning of April and the rest of the cows will probably calve towards the end of April.

Whose Going To Be A Mother First???

Which one do you think will calve first?? I'll make a poll at the top. Vote on
which one you think will calve first!


What is up at the dead of the night....
Who saves the day and isn't noticed....
Who is small and fluffy.....
And adorable?????

That's right! Super Bunny to your rescue! You'll be saved by her adorableness and overcome by her cuteness!!! Just read the reviews!!!

"I thought for sure I was going to die!" A young girl said.  "I was home alone when the robber came, he had a gun and wanted all our money! But then Super Bunny jumped through the window and the robber dropped his gun  to cover his eyes, because her cuteness was too much! He was out of there fast! I owe my life to Super Bunny!" 

That's just one of the million people Super Bunny has saved. Always remember, Bunnies are your friends and you might be saved by her.

(Sorry, my imagination went wild there.) :)

This is Kaity's bunny, she's super sweet and is also blind in one eye. I'll let Kaity tell you more about her.

Grace: "So Kaity, how long have you had Chloe?"

Kaity: "I want to say 3 months."

Grace: "Is she really blind in one eye? How did that happen and does it effect her still?"

Kaity: "Yeah, she's blind in her left eye, she was born with it. So, it doesn't really effect her because she doesn't know anything else. Though she does run into things sometimes."

Grace: "Is she living with the other bunnies in the bunny bin?"

Kaity: "Nooo, she's living in my room, and she's litter box trained, so it's all good!"

Grace: "Can she do any tricks?"

Kaity: "Yup! She knows a lot of tricks, she knows how to spin, walk on her back legs, and she comes to her name."

Grace: "Thank you Kaity for telling us about your adorable bunny!!"

                  Tapping Trees Once Again!

Tis the season of getting outside to tap your maple trees! There's nothing like making your own syrup! It taste waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy better then the store stuff and its not full of that artificial junk!

We tapped 24 trees with Isaiah's help, I should say he tapped 24 trees. I just handed him the stuff, while Becca was trying to knock over dead trees. Don't ask me why she was doing that, she does it every time we go out there! We have probably over 10 gallons of sap. Once we have a little more the boiling process happens. Which takes forever and you have to really babysit it. It's all worth it in the end though! :)
Yes, Ali is trying to get those mushrooms. Someone told her that they sell for a lot of money. So, now I have 4 mushrooms sitting on the kitchen counter collecting dust. Yup, life with siblings. :)

I'll post more pictures once I can get some more!

Thanks for reading!!!!
