Tuesday 25 March 2014

Cleaning and Organizing

 Today I will talk about cleaning.

Ugh, cleaning, who likes it?! Well, you will after you read some of these natural cleaning recipes that WON'T stink the house!

You see, I like going natural. I try to use every thing that wont hurt me!

 Do you know what's in your Oxy Clean!? Or your Windex!? Poison!  It's Toxic to children, your pets, and even you!!!!  Some of the stuff like ammonia you have to open the windows because of the toxic fumes!
It's note safe for your family, your pets, and you!!

Did you know that you can disinfect your cutting board naturally!? "How!?!? TELL ME!!!!!!"
 Ok! I will!!! ;)  Cut a lemon in half and rub it on your cutting board! The lemon acids disinfects your board and also makes it smell great!! Lemons will also get rid of that onion smell!

On the link below, there is recipes, tricks, and more!! ;)

Want to see more!? Click on  the link below! ;)

Here is another link for cleaning lists! Just for the people that like to have lists or like to be organised! :)
Printable Cleaning Lists!

Organizing, Ahh, a wonderful thing to know.
(I love organizing.) It always nice to have a organized home, room or what ever is organized!
 After organizing you feel like you have accomplished something! And feel great about it!

So I \bring to you!!! The Organizing Link! That  goes to  my Pinterest board Organizing!
On this board there is some amazing organizing ideas!!! Have fun! ;)


Bye! From Ask Grace! ;)

Make sure to see my profile on Pinterest!

Ps If these links aren't working for you please let me know! Thank you!

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