Saturday 1 March 2014

Milk soap, chapstick,and a ton more!!!!!!

Hello!! I'm so sorry that I haven't blogged any thing for the past few weeks!! But in those weeks I have(I mean we have.) made so many cool natural stuff!! What else is there to do if you are bored out of your MIND!?

So anyways, My mom (Cora) has made all sorts of soap!! That's is GOOD FOR YOU!!! No need to be afraid of the store bought soap! Healthy, Milk Soap is here!!!! My mom has just started to make soap. The first time she did it I was helping, and I must say it's worth all of the work!! ;-)

 I'm sorry I'm not going to give you the recipe for soap making because, you can buy it!!! YES! YOU CAN  BUY IT!! My mom is selling it! Not just hand soap but, ALSO  SHAMPOO soap!!! Yes! You can use it in your hair! I have been using the shampoo bar and love it!! It works REALLY well on LONG hair! Trust me! Because I have long hair! :-) You can buy the Lavender\Sweet Orange milk soap for ONLY $2.00!!!!!!!!!! And the shampoo bar for ONLY $5.00!!!!!!!!!! Don't miss this! If you do want to buy some soap or want more info! Please contact Cora!

Now lets talk about what I'm selling! :-) Sorry about sounding like a saleswomen! But that's business! ;-)

I'm selling chap stick. Yes, chap stick. Do you know what's in the stuff you buy!?!?! JUNK! It may help your chapped lips for a little while but this stuff, WORKS WONDERS!!!!!!!! I can go outside with out my lips cracking and hurting!! It last for 2 days straight!!!! I make a Honey, Peppermint, and more!!! I'm trying to do flavors and colors, so you might have to wait on that! :-)

Here is a picture of the Peppermint chap stick. I will have them in chap stick tubes, I promise! Or little tins! It's up to you!

Displaying image.jpg

Sorry not a very good picture! But I think you get the idea! ;)

Oh I'm selling it for $2.00 a tube and tin!  Oh and Please give me an ideas of what colors I should try and flavors! Contact Grace at:  or text me at (218)591- 5756 ask for Grace!
Thank you! I'm also on Pinterest!! Look for Grace Johnston!

Contact Cora at: or call and text at (218)591- 5756
 (Cora is also on Pinterest! :)

I'll blog more products once I made some!! ;)

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