Friday 25 July 2014

Hay Day

Hay day, Ugh, that day was the most hectic hay day ever!!

Ok, so it started as a normal Saturday.

We woke up, ate , milked and did inside chores. My dad asked if my mom wanted to rake hay. Partly because he couldn't at the moment. So she did.

 (Just to let you guys know, I got a ton done that day!  I cleaned the house, my room , lunged the horses, and altered two skirts. )

So anyways mom was gone the whole day and dad was home for a little while working on the baler.
Once daddy had the baler fixed (Or so he thought) he set out to bail hay.
 I was home watching Dick Van Dyke or Andy Griffith with the kids. (After I got done with every thing.) After watching about a dozen old TV shows Becca wanted to go and ride bikes. So of course I said yes. I mean when they are out of the house it's a lot easier to  do some more cleaning. I  made a beeline to the dirty dishes in the sink and started to wash them when I looked out the window and saw grandpa.  (I still don't rightly know why he stopped by.) Then I saw Becca coming to the house  screaming, " Cappuccino had piglets!!!!!!!"  I stopped what I was doing and ran out to the pig pen. Sure enough there was ten piglets grunting and squealing.  They looked like they were born that morning. We found then at 5 O'clock, I think. Cappuccino had eleven but only ten survived.

Becca was so excited she wanted mom and dad to get home fast. Well, mom came home and right away went to the pig pen. Becca started to beg to bottle fed one. Mom for some reason looked out to the cows pen and saw one of our milk cows, Donut, had a calf. So that day would be the day of babies. So we where up till 10 getting all of are new little ones comfortable.

Becca was able to keep one to bottle feed.

Saturday was a busy day! Here are some pictures! :)

Here are the new piglets!

 And their proud momma!
 Here's another picture!
 Ok, our new bull calf is on the left and are old new
heifer calf is on the right. You see she's old to us but new to you! :)
 Fern is her name!
 Boy or Buddy is his name!

 And here is the piglet that Becca is bottle feeding,
Raisin is her name. She is so cute and so much fun!

 Well, that's all!! Talk to you soon! ;)


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