Wednesday 23 July 2014

The Storm

I'm sorry I haven't blogged! There was a huge storm and we didn't have any electricity for 38 hours.

So  I took pictures of the trees that fell for this post.Thanks to God, none of are buildings where damaged . Though, it was close.

On Monday night at 12:30 at night, the worst storm I had ever seen started. Very strong winds, heavy rain,  and the power went out a little before 1. 

All the kids where sleeping in my room, (It's up stairs.) because it was a hot night. I was waken up by the wind and rain. I heard a faint crash of a tree and the shingles on the roof being ripped off. And all of a sudden daddy  was in my room telling us kids to go down stairs to sleep in the living room. My parents thought we  might have  to go into the basement.

I knew that the storm must have been bad for dad to come upstairs at 1 in the morning .

 I was right the storm was awful I have never seen one so bad in all of my fourteen years.

Here are a few picture's of the damage.
This tree we found  the night after the storm. Luckily it
didn't hit the richey or the barn.

As you can see, t this tree looks far from the wood stove but
really it was only  a foot from hitting it.

  Our mailbox was the only thing that didn't
survived the storm. The tree was
cleared away when I took the picture.

 And a tree fell by our pond.

Ok so these picture's are hard to see so bare with me.
A tree fell  right where our steps for
the river. Right where we swim! It almost hit are
 boat in the river! But thankfully it didn't.

Here are some more random pictures of trees that broke
during the storm.

 That's all. God was really watching over us! A lot of the trees could have fallen on buildings but, they didn't. So praise God! :)  
Better go Bye! 

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