Thursday 19 February 2015



So my originally plan was to talk about the evil of sugar but, I can't preach what I don't do. Or something like that.

Instead, I'm talking about decluttering! (Getting rid of stuff.)  I have been on this kick!
(Yes I have  these  a lot.) But this one was a good one!

Just to give you an idea of how much I'm getting rid of, I'll show you a picture.
Yup, that's right. Three jammed packed garbage bags and one Wal-Mart bag.
And guess who's room that came from. That's right, mine.

(Also, Ali my little sis, got rid of a garbage bag of clothes!)

             DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

And I didn't even think I was a pack rat! I guess we all are in our own ways.  My mom phrases my room as..........

"Your room would be messy or full of junk, but in a organized sort of way."

So, I think I just got used to every thing being organized in a chaos way. That I didn't even relies how much I had.

  I started my room last night and finished this morning. So it really doesn't take that long.

Why should we declutter?

  Well, for me I was just so stressed out because all I could think of was my messy room or the girls closet. I really couldn't focus on things that where more important.

After I got  rid of a ton of JUNK yes JUNK! I felt a lot better!

When should I start?

Start when ever! But first pick up your room this makes less of a mess.

What should I get rid of?

Clothes, nick knacks, any thing that is really just laying around and collecting dust.

 If it makes you room look small or cluttered , then get rid of it.

When you are having a hard time parting with something
 ask yourself these questions!
1. What is the purpose of it?

2. Would I buy it?

3. Could I use it some where else?

4. Could I give it to someone who will really use it?

These questions really help! Whether it's clothes or crafts. Downsizing will make your life a lot easier.

My mom read these verses to use during Devotions. I thought they  fit perfectly!!

 Matthew 6: 19-21
19: Lay not yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust
destroy and where thieves break in and steel:
20: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth destroy,
and where thieves do not break in and steel:
21: For where your treasure in there will your heart be also.                                                           This verse really says a lot about our stuff.
That we really shouldn't lay up treasures upon earth. The more things we have, the more we want. Then we lose focus on God. 
Ok, think about all the stuff you have. What if God calls you to move? Can you just pack up the night before and  leave? I know I couldn't!  I know what your thinking, "I'm just a teenager! God wouldn't have me move!"  Well, God works in different ways.
About two years ago we felt that God was calling us to move.  We went to look at houses, there was a lot that we liked but we didn't feel right about them. So then we thought God was testing us to trust him. Or that,  Dad just was having moving itch.
 But during that year we got  rid of quiet a bit.
Then over those two years we got rid of a little more. Then  out of the blue we are moving! Like this summer! Lord willing. You never know what God has in stored for you!
 Don't be so weighed down  that you can't do Gods will.
Sometimes  I like to go look at all my old toys that I want my (future.) kids to have.Then if you think about it, you are giving all your junk to your kids. Who will probably have there own junk to take care of!
 I think its ok to have ONE medium size box for your kids.  But really, as you get older and your (future) kids get older, that "stuff" will probably be tossed or broke.
So, throw or donate all of your JUNK! Give it to some one who needs it or give it as little gifts.
 Well, that's all!!
Here's a link to a  post on this subject, please take time to read! :)
May God Bless you
Thanks for reading!! :)
Contact me at
I'm also on Pinterest as AskGrace or click the click the link!


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