Saturday 11 July 2015

Johnston's Riverview News!

Howdy!! And..........

It's been crazy busy here down on the farm. So, today I told myself I was going to blog! That I must! 
Why? Because I haven't blogged in like months!!! I'm sorry all you readers! (Family and like 2 friends.) ;) I could make up a ton of excuses but I really want to show you what's new on the farm! 

So Lets Get Started!!!!!! :)

We moved like MONTHS ago. We are now living in a small, but cute house with hilly (Is that even a word?) fields and a small river right behind the house! 

We love it here! And so do the animals!
 Lovely Rosebud wanted a up close picture!! ;)
 Meet Rosebuds cute calf, June!

Right now we have 7 calves. (3 girls and 4 boys.)
I will take a picture of all of them soon!
 This is Maggie! She loves to eat anything and everything! :)
We where raising bummer lambs for a friend. So, we where raising 
three cute balls of wool! 
 This is Faith our first calf born on the place! Her mom is Missy!

 S'mores is one of our milkers! We raised her from the time she was born! 
She had a calf but it didn't make it.
 This is Little Red another one of our milkers! And a proud 
mamma to Ruby Red!
 Our meat  birds! They are NOT all that pretty not like 
the cows. But they sure are funny sometimes!
 Little Red enjoying the grass!
 Faith, Thelma (Left) and Prince or Fred ( right.) 
Luke named that lamb and then renamed it so I really don't know it's name.
So take your pick!  :)
 Awwwwwwwwww! Faith is kissing Thelma! Best buds! 
More meat birds! :)

(Dramatic music, deep voice like on a horror movie.) 

What scares you at night???

What makes you not want to turn your back??

What's in your nightmares????

Could it be ...............................

MR. Fluff??
Meet.... Mr.Fluff!! He could haunt you at night or he makes you not want to look back  if you don't 
pet him!! :) 
He's seriously so cute and fluffy!!!! He's my bundle of love and fluff! 

Well, that's all for now! Stay tuned for part 2!!!!!!

Yes, I'm serious! I took these pictures like a week ago and there's 
more pictures to be taken and more post to post! 


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