Tuesday 28 July 2015

Riverview Farm News Part 2!!!!!!!

Welcome to Johnston's Riverview Farm Part 2!!! 

If you missed part one 
click on the link below! 

Okay, so let's start off with something cute!!! 


The cute calf on the right bottom is the newest one! 
The mama is Roseabelle! Rosebuds sister! :)

We had ten calves but we sold two of them. 

 Let's have a two seconds of silence in respect for them. For they have gone where
 no other Johnston calf has gone! 

Beginning the 2 second silence. 

 Moving on! :) 

  Lets meet the wonderful milkers!! 
 I'll post better pictures of them another time. 

I took these pictures about 2 weeks ago, early in the morning.
That's why they aren't very good.
 Well, also I was using my phone because someone stole my camera batteries for her CD player. 
Yes, I found out, Ali and Becca!!!!
(My wonderful sisters. eye roll.) ;)

So here are the names of all of our cows! 
(I thought you guys would like to know their names! )


Yeah, I know it's mostly food names, but hey, there're cute!

(The names with the stars in front of them are the names we picked out.)

Now for the calves!

Little Ruby Red

Milk Mustache or m&m

Phew!!! There you are! If you have any name ideas, comment or email me! We just might use
it to name next years calves! :)
So, it's a lovely summer afternoon. Not too hot, not too cold...Your walking
around your yard enjoying the sights and sounds..... 

Then, you see it. 

You hear it calling your name but you turn your back on it. Then, all day you have that awful nagging
feeling to go back. You try to push it away. Finally, you walk back and all you can think about is the work ,the torture, the pain. You drop to your knees in defeat, you start the torturous thing, only thinking about how you like to do something else. As you get farther in, you look at your dirty hands. They may have streaks of blood from thistles. Your back aches and your parched but you just started. You feel like a slave being beaten to do more. And if you stop, you have to do it all over again, but with more work and pain. 

Have any of you felt like this when you see the..... 

I know I do!! Not all the time but sometimes! You just don't want to do it! I hide in the house when this happens! Like, right as I'm writing this post I know I should be out there weeding.
But instead I'm ignoring myself and kept typing.
I mean, it's a whole lot easier to find your veggies when you don't have those slave driver weeds! 
Though I can weed tomorrow! ;)

But, don't you feel great when it is weeded?
Yup! That's our garden! Okay, I'm not going to lie to you. 
When I took this picture this was all that was weeded.

"You mean there's more garden, Grace? How come you didn't show us it!?" 

To answer your question, The potatoes and corn had weeds almost to my waist. 
Yeah, it was ridiculous. 

"Well, then you should be out there and weeding, Grace!!" 

Hey! Don't jump to conclusions! I took this picture about 2 or 3 weeks ago! So, we have been weeding! You can see the potatoes and corn now!!! Yeah! Score!!! ;)

Moral of the story: WEED!

What is your favorite veggie?
Mine? Hehehe! I love garden peas!! I love cucumbers too but they're not ready yet.

I love going out to the garden and eating all the peas I want! They are SO good!
There's nothing better then reading a good book and eating peas! 
This book is really good too! Really! You should go out and buy it! It's about an Amish girl who's adopted, but she didn't know it until she's like 23 and about to marry the bishop.
But I won't tell you any more about it though! You'll have to read it yourself. 

You can find it on Amazon and maybe EBay.

That's about it!

I'm going to wrap up this post with a picture of Mr. Fluff!!
 He fell asleep on my lap like this! :)

We came home to Cheetah (His mother.)and Mr. Fluff
sleeping in the porch window! So cute! :)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!! 

 You can email me at askgracej@gmail.com 

I'm also on Pinterest as God's Grace

Don't forget to think of names for future calves!

God bless, yeah, and have a great morning, afternoon, or day! :)


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