Wednesday 13 January 2016

Back to the Begining of December.

Hello everyone!!! Welcome to 2016!!!!!
 (I know I'm late.)
Ok, so I haven't posted anything in December because you know the holiday rush and busyness was on.

 So, I'm going to take you back to December 4 (I think.) Sometime in the beginning of December.   
(Sound affects of a time machine going backward.)
 Warning, some parts in this adventure is stretched, just a little.
It's dark out, snowing, and you hear a deep voice.

"We have arrived at Johnston's Riverview Farm, December 2015."
You turn towards the voice and see a happy family getting on a...... you look again in surprise. Yes you were right, they are getting in a plastic pickup box liner. The dogs jump in too.  You stand there watching.
The dad ties the "sled" and a flashlight to the back of a red tractor.
Everyone is happy, singing, and tying other sleds to the big "sled". You follow them on foot down the dirt road and into the field.
The kids are laughing and jumping in and out. You think it's so sweet watching a family get a Christmas tree. They stop by some woods, you hide behind a tree.  Staying as close as possible, you see them stop at a deer stand. The dad looks at the small, pitiful-looking handsaw and looks up at the tall spruce tree.
You shake your head in sadness because you over heard that that was the only tree in this part of the woods. You see them turning back, a few of the kids looked sad. A boy looked mad for he had to carry his dog.
They jumped back into the "sled" to try another patch of woods. Your watching the kids jump in and out then you saw it.
The second oldest was sitting too close to the edge and fell off, her leg wrapped up in the rope that was tied from the small sled to the big "sled". Standing there helpless, knowing you can't do anything. They yell to their dad to stop, the young girl was set free before he stopped. She was crying and holding her knee. You hope that she's ok.

(Sounds of a time machine.)

You open your eyes in surprise. Your not outside anymore but in a doctors office. You look at the calendar next to the sink it was a few weeks after you saw the accident happen.  Looking around you take in your surroundings. Very confused that you would be in the hospital.

The door rattles and opens revealing a mom and a girl. It is the same girl who was hurt. You watched her hobble to the chair and looked at her knee. It was big really big. You sat there listening to the mother and daughter's conversation. You jump at a loud "POP" noise. Looking at the girls knee in horror, you realize that she had just put her knee back in place.  The doctor came in.

Everything was being fast forward until they got home. Siblings rushed outside to meet the girl when they drove up. You hear that the doctor said it was just pulled muscles and bad bruises. But, you know better.

"December 10, 2015."

Landing on a pile of snow, you look around. Your at the Johnston's farm. It's day time and it looks like that family is going to get the tree, take two!  They go down the dirt road , threw the woods, (Hitting a few trees.) and across the the field. 

They stop at a swamp and trudge threw. The second oldest following as far as she can on crutches. You hold your breath, hoping she won't fall. She does, but she just lays there and laughs. Your surprised at her good mood.
"We found the perfect tree mom!!" Yelled the middle child who was dragging the tree back to the tractor. It was a beauty!

Every thing was blurry and you shake your head to get rid of it. When you open your eyes you see them all decorating the tree. Your heart feels warm and loving towards this family. And you whisper "Merry Christmas" before you left.

Thank you for reading the Johnston's Christmas story!!
Here are some pictures and bloopers to go along with it!

Our beautiful Christmas tree!!
Thanks Becca for doing all the work!!! :)

 Ali and I sledding while the kids held onto our sled!
 Kaity walking in the swamp on crutches.
 Our LOVLEY deer! (Every year I decorate it!)

Luke decorating the tree.
 The tree.
 (It looked much better once we had all the lights and ornaments on it!)
Want to hear a true, funny story!!!???
The tree above died right before Christmas. I mean we had green carpet, on hardwood floor, of needles. We vacuumed, swept, and bagged up the stuff for days! I mean when you walked by it you could see needles fall off in clumps and if you where quiet you could hear them fall off! It was awful!
So, we were hoping it would last until Christmas, but nope, the day before Christmas Eve we woke up to a bare tree. Mom took off all of the ornaments, while dad , Becca, and Luke went to get another tree.

So, we went to get a tree 3 different times and got 2 trees in one Christmas! Crazy huh??

Well, I hope you enjoyed this different post! Have a wonderful 2016! And may God be with you threw it!!


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