Saturday 28 November 2015

The Van/Kill/No/Deer GREAT comeback!

Howdy! And I have a confession to say. :(            
In the last post Deer Season,Fall, and WINTER!?!?!   I forgot to say that my Uncle shot a NICE buck too. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry!!!! Please forgive your favorite niece!        
So, This whole post is all My Uncle AND Aunt!
(And a few random pictures that were taken during deer season.)
My Uncle's buck.
Verns buck was a 8 pointer, and shot at my Grandpa's place!
Good job Vern!!!! :) Late congratulations!!!
My Aunt's buck.
This buck was a lot of trouble! My Aunt was hunting with Becca at my Grandpa's place. It was around 4-4:30 when I heard a shot. So, I texted Kayla and asked her if she got anything, She said yes. But, she didn't know if she missed or not.
 I walked with grandpa to go see. She got it all right! :) It was bleeding so, it was easy to tract. Though it probably would have died where it laid but we where chasing it because it was getting dark! Grandpa shot at it twice then DOWN! He goes!
Congratulations Kayla!!! (Late!)
On the way to see Grandpa's deer!

:) I love my siblings!

Before deer season.......
Shooting pigeons!!! It's sooooo much fun!!
For those of you who don't know what shooting clay pigeons is, its just shooting clay disks that are thrown up in the air.
It was my first time shooting a shot gun! It was so much fun!!! 

My uncle

My dad

And my mom.

I know I had this picture on a few post ago, but it went to well with the shooting! :)
Target practicing at Gun Safety.
Becca (My sister is in the middle.)

Luke brought home...........

 A grouse!!! Good job Luke!!!! :)

I'm sorry for this "mostly pictures" post! I really wanted to tell about Vern and Kayla's deer. ;)

Thanks for reading and Happy LATE Thanksgiving!


P.S. You may all now sing Christmas songs! :)

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