Tuesday 15 March 2016

Johnstons' Riverview Farm News!


I am such a slacker! it's been a month since I posted a post!
(Covering my face with shame.)
So, thanks to everyone who kept reminding me about my one, simple job!:)

P.S. How is the weather there?? It is raining buckets here! Yuck!

Let's jump into the news!

Buckle up!!
We finally bought a truck!! We were using my grandpa's all winter.
(Thanks for letting us borrow your truck, grandpa!)

Our farm truck!

It isn't red, it's maroon. Just saying. :)

Luke showing off the inside of the truck!

So, dad has been telling me about this truck and being the girl that I am, I did ride in it until like two weeks after we bought it. I jumped in the truck and right away froze. "Red velvet seats.", I look to dad, "I feel like royalty!!" But really! We've never had a truck that had royal seats! Mom said that I need to get out more. :)

(I showed my dad these pictures and he said, " It looks like you are trying to sell it." So, NO we are not selling this truck! I LOVE the sound it makes! Do you ever get in a truck and when you push the gas it makes that loud  "BRAAAAAAAAAAAA "sound? Ours has that but with a "pop pop" sound. It's great! :)

Down on the Farm!


This is Kaitys new buck! He's sooooo sweet! He's really friendly too!
The only thing is, he's a 80's bunny. Why? Because he has a  mullet!!!
He's got the short hair in front then long in the back.  I don't know how I feel about having a bunny on the farm that has a mullet.
 I just don't know.....................
This is our new baby girl!! We bought her when we bought Twinkie!
 Isn't Daisy sooooooo cute!? She's a month old now!! She melts my heart!
So, mom and dad went to buy a milk cow, and umm, yeah. They saw her and couldn't leave her.
We really don't need any more heifers but, hey! She's cute! :)
Many people have addictions, TV, alcohol, books, drugs, but, we have a addiction that you guys might not even know of.......................
 I call it the,
 dairy farmers, "I don't need another cow but, why not buy this cow" addiction.
Quit laughing!!  It's a deadly addiction!! I'm not lying! Every winter we buy cows ,every spring we buy a milk cow, every fall we buy just one more! Once you start, it's hard to kick. Trust me.
She is our newest milk cow!! :)
Random Pictures!!
I had to put this picture on my blog. Just look at this picture!
(Wiping away tears.) It's true friendship!
(Grabbing a hanky) Its so lovely!
"Ok, Mickey and Fuzz get out of the PORCH!!!"
The Ultimate Fort!
Walking in the house, I go straight to mom, excited to tell her how babysitting went when my brother bursts in the house. "Grace, Grace, come outside! I want to show you my tree fort!!" I follow him thinking that it was going to be one of his half finished forts. (He has a few of
 I walk to the side of the shed and stop right in my tracks. It was huge! Three stories high and totally done! I right away climb up the pretty creepy ladder. (That I know will break on me one of these days!)
 Standing on the main floor, I take in the fort. He even had pans hanging in one room and a rug down in the main floor. I thought it was pretty cool! He really wanted me to go on the top floor but, I'm a chicken when it comes to heights so, I stayed right where I was.
Good Job Luke!!!

Stardust modeling her new bridle!!
Stardust, Seymour, and Eclipse.

Oh my,
*When you post pictures on your blog of when it was snowing and then not finishing your blog until it's 50 degrees.
*Adding a blue tailgate to your maroon truck with a green ratchet strap to tie it together, literally!
*Cowboy boots + ice = A ice skating cowboy/girl.
* Trying to get your new bridle to fit your horse only to figure out that your dad put it together backwards.
*Wearing mix-match socks to your babysitting job and having their mom point it out.
Really, who has time for matching socks! :)
* Taking your (still in training) calf out for a run and hoping it looked like you have control of the calf. (Even though you might not!)
*(Brand new phone in back pocket) Stardust "Hahaha! She has something in her pocket must bite it! Must get it out!"
Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!!!

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