Tuesday 29 March 2016

Peace and quiet have I none.

" What a beautiful day" I , Grace said to myself as I sat myself down at the table by the window. Looking out, I see the dirt road ,the green/brown grass and leafless trees. "Ahh peace and quite." Opening up my laptop, I  go to my blog. Sipping on my tea, I try to figure out what the title should be for this weeks news. I lift my fingers to the keyboard and boom! "Grace!! You want a dreamcicle? Said Kaity as she flopped on the couch. Luke makes a beeline for the piano and plays his not-so- famous, annoying Indian song. My head shot up and I sent him a pleading look, he plays on. Ali pulls a chair up to my table and eats her ice cream bar, dripping all over. I look around for an escape some quiet, some peace, something! I shake my head with a smile on my face "Lord, thank you for my siblings because if I didn't have all this noise and chaos I would never know what to write about."

Welcome to this weeks
Johnston's Riverview Farm News!!!

Does this draw your attention??
Good! :) Then let's get started!
I Love Maple Syrup!
So, My dad has been thinking about tapping our maple trees forever
and then one day we just did it!
That is the baggy thingy that holds the sap.

No, this is not a feeding tube. This is the hose that we put on our homemade sap spigots.
I was watching Luke, dad, and Morgan (My four year old cousin.) with my phone up ready for any picture I could get, moving  to the left, right, and front trying to get a good shot. Dad put the hose on the spigot, eyeballed where to cut. Luke grabbed the rest of the hose so it wouldn't get dirty. I glanced at the remaining hose in Luke's hands. "Morgan, do you want to try some sap?" Luke asked as he held out the hose. "Sap?" Morgan asked with confusion written on her face. "Yeah! It's really good! It tastes like sugar water!" Morgan walks to Luke and tries to take the hose. "No, no, Morgan open your mouth. I'll dump it in." Luke raised the hose and Morgan opened her mouth. I snapped a few pictures, smiling she goes to the next tree. "Uncle Jewwy, (Jerry.) can I have some more tree juice?"

Boiling down the sap! Which takes forEVER!
Both times mom and dad where up till 3am.
Pretty cool outdoor, stone, grill, smoker, thing ah?
We were finally able to try our own maple syrup!! We boiled some that night before and made pancakes the next morning! It was so cool to eat my breakfast and know that we made the syrup!
Fun on the Farm!
Here's a short slide show!
Yes, The boys were playing with a walker. You have no idea how much fun they are! :)
Dogs bark, cats meow...

Meet Missy, our new dog!
She is a Border Collie/Blue Heeler.
You NEVER see her laying down like this. NEVER! She is
normally running around with the kids or casing squirrels.
She has a great personality! Smart, calm (at times) , sweet ,and fun!

P.S. If you come to our house be careful. She, umm, is a little excited when people come. (Cough.) A little.

Mr. Fuzz has decided lately to jump on the trampoline with us! :)
He'll come join us and then walk to a end and lay down.
It really weird.

I wanted to get a video but, Luke kicked him off before I could.
What it took me to get through this post.
1. Drinking a cup of tea
2. Listening to music
3. Singing to music
4. Cleaning while listening to music.
5. Eating a dreamcicle
6. Eating another dreamcicle
7. Check my email.
8. Calling a friend
9. Make a video
10. Drinking a smoothie.
Yup, even I am speechless to this.

As I finish up my blog post , I look out the window at my siblings. Crazy and loud they may be but, I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I watch them for a minute. Oh, to have the energy that they have, carefree life as a kid. I thank God for every one of them and this farm. Though every day is crazy , I don't ever have to worry about being bored here! I thank God for that!
 I know this was a little different then most but, hey, why not switch it up some?
Thanks for reading!
May God Bless You!
Grace. :)

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