Friday 3 June 2016

What happened on Friday

It's a nice, windy, rainy day for a field trip! Do to do to do to do deeeeeeeee dummmmmmm.

Ok, go back and read that in a singsong voice. I promise it will make more sense. :)

Last Friday we had the pleasure of having the Kindergartens from the Floodwood School over!

It was a TON of fun to have them!! The kids were really sweet and well behaved!

So, we had stations for the kids to go to, a bunny station, pig/piglets, chicks, and calf station. The kids went in groups and pet the animals.

They requested to see the big cows, donkey, and horses. So, we let them in one of the empty pens so they could see them. There were lots of excited kids when they saw the horses, donkey and a few astonished expressions when they saw our big bull Sir Walter.

I had a ton of fun leading Stormy around and letting the kids pet her. (I'll introduce you to her soon.) Austin, (my cousin) was proudly showing off his bunny, Luke's fort, and running off with the boys. ;)

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling.
The kids thought the animals were fun until they started to climb in the culvert. I think there was 16 out of 19 kids in this thing! I always knew that it was fun, but this confirmed it! 

I would say the top favorite things the kids liked to do was probably, holding bunnies, feeding pigs, and rolling in the culvert. It was so cute watching the kids hold those bunnies!!!

Let's pause for a moment and behold the beauty of this picture.
"Oh it's so beautiful!!" (Wiping a tear and smiling.)
Yes! My wonderful Grandmother bought like 7 watermelons!! I was very happy until I found out that we were sharing with the kindergarteners. It was a sad day. It was gloomy out, raining, and the watermelon was going fast. (If you haven't noticed yet, I LOVE watermelon!)  I must say though, once I saw how happy the kids were about it, I was ok with sharing! We even had two left! Score!!! :)

Then after showing them all the animals, they sat on a wet picnic table to eat watermelon and watch my mom (Cora) attempt to make butter by hand cranking it. We did end up doing it in the mixer because it is a lot faster. :)

And that's all the pictures I have! I had the calf most of the time. It's pretty hard to hold onto a wet calf with one hand, while taking pictures with the other.

New members of the Family!
Meet Stormy!!!! My little girl, the daughter of Ginger and Sir Walter.

She's a lot of fun to walk around! She actually enjoys going for a walk! :)
I could go on and on about Stormy because she's my calf and who doesn't brag about a pet you have!

Meet Molly!!
Yup, this is Molly. This picture tells it all. Her mother is Dillybar.
Molly is NO fun to walk, it's mostly tug of war or drag the calf around. (Praying she gets the idea of the halter and lead rope.)

I have had my fair share of calves taking off running while I was walking them, but never have I been dragged!

Pulling out my phone I turned to Molly. My stance not braced at all, I quickly snaped a picture and was posting it when I felt a jerk on the lead rope in my hand. I looked up at the calf and I felt the ground as I landed on my belly. I hung on to the rope with one hand and holding my phone with the other. Molly jumped and took off. A few feet later I was able to get on my knees and stop the calf before I was dragged to the driveway. I crawl my way to the calf and grabbed her halter. Putting my phone in my pocket, I turn to the sound of laughing. In the stock tank with the bunnies, was Becca. She witnessed the whole thing and was laughing really hard. I sat there glaring at her for a minute and stood up dragging the calf with me. I walked to her. She shrieked and laughed harder. Now you have to understand that when my sister laughs you can't help but laugh with her. So, I will get my revenge soon! She can try walking Molly sometime! :)

Last but not Least...........
Dopey and Snow white!

This is Snow White, soon to be something else. We are probably going to change her name.
What do you think? Comment if you like her name or if you have a better one! :)
She is the daughter of Hope. Strange angle of Hope, but this is the only picture I have of them together!

And Dopey!!!!!!!!!

There's a story behind his name. So, when we found him he was just born! He was still wet and his ears where drooping! He looked too funny and cute that I started to call him Dopey! Also, his half sister is Snow White, so, might as well give him a dwarf name! :) He's also the only boy to three girls! Poor thing!

Every one likes a good game of Tug of War and it's even better when your dog gets into it!
 Go Missy!!!!! Go Ali!! Go Luke!!! Yippie!!!!!!
"Welcome to the Tug of War games! Today it's Luke and Ali, with our guest star Lassie! Ummm, cross that folks, the dog's real name in Missy. Any who, the game has started and it looks like Luke might win, no wait, Ali, No, Luke has it in the bag! Hold it, hold it!! We have a cheater on the court today! That wonderful dog is cheating!! She isn't pulling straight back! She's pulling them around like rag dolls! Back and forth, back and forth! Well, I guess we'll never know who the winner is this time. Stop back next week to find out about the water racing! This is your top reporter GJ signing off."

    Down by the River side, Down by the River side
 We have been doing a ton of water things now that it's warm out and kayaking is one of them!!

Ali having fun pretending to be in the water!

Thanks for reading! Come back next week or whenever I post again!
Catch yeah later!


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