Thursday 8 September 2016

School Days are here

Well, I can finally write on here now that school is here.
"But, Grace, wouldn't it be harder to try to fit your blog in with school??"
Hahaha! That's what you think, the beauties of being homeschooled. You have time to do the things you want. Also, I do waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy better when there is a schedule. Do you guys do better with a schedule or do you guys just wing it??

Anyways, for this post, I'm going to skim over our summer with pictures! (Since nothing too exciting has happened lately.)

Wagon Ride!!!
This summer when people came to tour our beautiful, wonderfully fun, perfect farm, (wink) we gave them a hay ride! It was a lot of fun! We did it, probably close to ten times.
We did it once ourselves, you know, to test it! :)
Man! This looks like a cover to a music album.
Maybe Old McJerry had some crazy kids?? :)

Yeah, he does have some crazy kids.

And a crazy nephew! Hahaha! I love Austin's face!
Ok, I lied. Red and I rode on the wagon first. He loved it!
I'm not joking. Red was smiling!!! It was so funny!
Then the homeschool group came for a tour. That was a blast!!! The kids were so much fun and so well behaved! :) Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of them on the wagon, but I did get some other pictures! :)
The culvert is the favorite thing! I even love playing in it! :)

 They are trying the butter they made with some crackers!
A shout out to the two oldest kids who stuck it out and shook that jar the whole time!!! You guys deserve a pat on the back! :)
The latest hay ride was with our friends the Johnsons! That was a blast!
(Sorry for the bad picture, but I had to jump off of a moving wagon and continue to walk backwards, while trying not to run into the tractor. Yeah, I have cool skills. ;)
The fair is a veritable of smorgasboard orgasboard!!!
We were able to do a milking demo at the Floodwood Fair! Luke rode the cow and some kids were able to milk her.
 Dad demonstrating how to milk by hand.
Thanks to Hope for being the demo! You are the best cow! Oh, and thanks for not getting out!
Let me explain.
"Would you like to milk the cow?" I asked, smiling at a little boy. He looked up and smiled. I opened the corner of the gate and he slipped in. After he milked I let him out, a huge grin on his face. Well, he wasn't the only one that wanted out. Hope followed right behind him and stuck her face between the gates. I slammed my shoulder on her head, trying in vain to push her back in. Dad grabbed her halter and pulled her too. We finally got her head back in the pen. Quickly, I shut the gates and put the pins in. 
It wouldn't have been bad if that was the only time , but noooooo. It happened almost every time a person wanted out! The worst thing about it was, that there was a honey bee demo right across from her. Yeah, that could have been bad. I can see it now....
"Hello, this is Casey from the Floodwood News and today we bring you a land that is flowing with milk and honey. Literally.  The cow named Hope, got out from the milking demo and headed straight for the honey bee stand. And folks, it is one sticky mess!  This is Casey, your news reporter, signing off!"

(None of that report really happened, it's just my crazy imagination going wild.)

Are you ready to see something so cute........
It really is cute and quite funny really! :)

 Buddy getting his bath! As you can tell by the water, he was one dirty puppy.
He has been getting so big!

Buddy with his cow.

 Yeah, this didn't work that well. I was trying to take a picture with a picture frame. But Stardust kept moving. She wanted to eat the frame. Yeah, she's strange. :) (Btw, that's Becca's beautiful hand.)

Funniest Home Video, Losers!
 Man! It seems like there is a lot of Becca and Dillybar on this blog.

 Ahhh!!! Another picture of Becca! We've been riding Eclipse a lot. Becca has been doing good with working with her. :)

The newest members of the family are.........
Peppy, the pony!!! Ali has been dreaming about a horse for ever and now her dream has come true!

 In mini size! She got a pony!!!!

Right away when he came, they were fast friends! He is with the calves, he wants to be friends, but they don't know what to think of him.


 I noticed that Cheetah was in labor when our friends were over. My assumption correct. Becca came running out of the barn screaming , Cheetah had kittens!!!
(She does this every time Cheetah has another batch. Go ahead and look at past post about kittens.)
You know I'm getting pretty sick of talking about kittens. It seems like every time I write on here, there's a part about cats!! I feel bad for Cheetah........
Anyways that's all for this post! Thanks for reading and God bless!!!!

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