Monday 19 September 2016

Johnstons Riverview Farm Update!

My eyes open partly as I swipe my alarm off on my phone. "A few more minutes, just a few." I said to myself as I roll over, snuggling down in my blankets. Then suddenly my morning changed with a leap and a bound. I listened to the weird sounding thing charging up the steps. Not just one , but two things. Then I hear Luke screaming, "NO! Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!" And Becca groaning with the sound of her bed springs as she rolls over. I lift my head a little trying to figure out what hit them, then I heard Becca ,"Get off, down down!!!!" I was awake then, I just flung my blanket back when a black and white thing shot in my room, licked Ali and jumped on my bed, tail wagging  a thousand miles per hour. She leaped to where I was on the bed and proceeded to wake me up by licking me anywhere there was skin showing. Before I knew it a small blur of black and white joined Missy on her mission. I was a goner. I had Buddy and Missy "waking me up."  I jumped out of bed, dresses quickly and ran outside with my calf feeding sidekicks, Buddy and Missy at my side. Well, Missy is at my side, but Buddy is being pulled around by my pant leg.

You see every morning after waking us kids up he grabs my pants and I pull him around while I do chores. It's the only time He does it. Weird huh?

Hello and good morning to every one! I hope you guys have a wonderful alarm like we do! :)
Today I thought I'll talk about the progress of the cheese room. I know a lot of people have been asking us if we are making cheese yet. Unfortunately, we aren't . We are in the process of making the cheese room and getting every thing licensable. We have the room up, and tile in, but that is as all so far. The barn still needs to be cleaned out , but Lord willing, we can get it all done by 2017!  If you have any questions you can message my mom on our farm facebook page or email me at

So, I am trying to figure out what to write about on my blog, because you know its hard to be creative! lol! :) I mean sure, I have a wild imagination , but I want to write about what you guys want to read about.
So, here's a list of ideas, and if you want to see something on here that isn't in the list let me know! Pick what you all would like to read about:

*Johnstons Riverview Farm News

*Dairy Recipes. (Yogurt, cheese, ect.)


*Farm Tours

*A day in our life

*A little about us

*Hobby farm tips

*Farming from a teens perspective

I know this is a short post!  Sorry about that, but I wanted to update everyone on the cheese making and ask about what ya'll want to read! If there is any changed to my blog you want me to make, just comment below to let me know! I want to make it enjoyable for you!

Thanks and God bless!!


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