Tuesday 29 October 2013

Hi!!! :) So today I'll give you some websites that I LOVE! ;) Lol!
 So Like I said in the beginning that I'm home schooled, and go on a lot of websites! Well not  a lot but a few that are really good! ;)

So the first one is allinonehomeschool.com ,  It's called EasyPeasy because it's super EASY!!! ;) If you are home schooled 
or even go to a public school, you can go on it! It's really cool! Their is a Bible study,History,Science,Health,
Road safety, Music and Art. But the Health,Road Safety, Music and Art, take turns every day so it's 
something different every day! ;)  Oh, there is games and movies to watch too. ;) And there is SOME 
reading, so it's not all fun and games!!! I really like it  because  it doesn't take very long at all and is so 
much fun!!! ;) 

This other website is my TOP favorite!!!! http://www.whitsend.org
You can listen to a story every week day!!
Great exciting stories,that you can listen to! It's Christian based  and you can learn a ton from it!
I'm listening to it right this minute! You can listen to it on the computer or on your smart phone!
You can do lot on their website too! There is all sort of stuff to do! I haven't even  done all of the stuff on  it! ;)

This website is fun for younger and older kids! ;)
I even like it! www.veggietales.com There's games,videos,music,and crafts! I even like it! ;)

Ummmmmmm I think that's all the websites I know, well I lied! There is one website, but I can't remember what it's called though!! Sorry! ;( :)

So The Bible study I was talking about, I'll start that next week. And recipes I'll throw out randomly! ;)
    Well that's all,  for now,I think! ;)
So Chow for now! ;)

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