Wednesday 30 October 2013

Hi! Today I'm going to talk about two good recipes that I made up, and how to get rid of lice. ;)


                                                        HOT Chocolate with Nutmeg!!!!!!
                                                         1 1/2 c. Milk
                                                          2 TBS. Cocoa powder
                                                         1/4 c. Sugar
                                                       Sprinkle the top with nutmeg, bring the mixture till 
                                                        warm. Stir constantly, Then serve! 
                                                                         1 SERVING

 This is one of my TOP favorite recipe!! I just made it up tonight and love it! ;) I'll make different flavors! So email me or comment what flavor you want me to make! ;)                                            

To make  Hot Chocolate, just take out the nutmeg! ;) Just to let you know!! ;)

2 TBS Cocoa powder
4 tsp Coconut oil (or butter melted!)
7 tsp Sugar(or honey!)
Mix together well until creamed
You can ether eat it right after it's mixed, or you
can freeze it in rubber molds with a fruit in the middle! 
Hope you like these recipes!!!!!! ;)
If you are a Chocolate LOVER like me you'll love this recipe!!!!                                                                    Now let's see how to get rid of lice! lol! (This is REALLY random I know,but I'll throw in things randomly !) ;)
Vinegar is the way, when you take a shower wash your hair like you would normally, then add the Vinegar to your hair and let it sit.Then wash it out,you might smell like Vinegar for a little while,but it's great conditioner! Oh you have to use Apple Cider Vinegar. But it works!! ;)

If you have any questions just email me or comment your question! ;) Oh you can subscribe to my blog and get a my  new posts emailed to you!!

                                                             Thank you! 

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