Monday 23 June 2014

Johnstons Riverview Farm NEWS!

Today I'm going to do something a little different. As you tell be the title it's going to be about our farm.

I know in the past I said I was going to post stuff that I did or something like that. Well, I'm boring! I can't think of  any projects I did that I can write about!

So from now on! Every week (hopefully!) I will write about our farm! Yes, I do post pictures and yes I do write about it. BUT! It's not "Johnstons Riverview Farm NEWS"!


I proudly present Riverview Farm NEWS!!! This will keep you updated on what's happening on the Farm! :) I'll post pictures, have interviews with everyone that lives here, and (Drum roll please!) Write about "ADVENTURES AT JOHNSTONS RIVERVIEW FARM!" (You just ask some of my friends, there is ALWAYS an adventure here!) :)

Well, let's get started! :)

A lot has been happening here at the farm, We painted the milk house to match the barn.
(No I don't have the picture of the barn, I will soon though!) :)
Ginger had piglets. Six cute little piggies!

 For some reason they look like sausages lined up.
 Is that wrong? ;)
                                                         Yes,  they are cute!
These little cuties were born the day before Father's Day
and the day that my cousin Tristan was born! :)
Ginger was a first time mother and a good one!
Becca came running to the house and she was crying.
I thought that she died or something! The she smiled really
big and said, "Ginger had piglets!!!" Then she turned
around and ran back to her piggies. Becca was so happy and excited
that her pig (Ginger )had piglets.!

                                          Daisy(our goat) eats everything!!!

and dog food!
She does eat more but, I didn't get any pictures.
We try to feed the dogs before we let the goat out but then the chickens come and eat it.
You'll never win dogs!
Yes, our goat and chickens free range.
We always let our chickens take over the farm in the summer.
Then the goat came. She hates being by herself. She loves to be with the kittens and dogs.
(unless they take her chair, yes, she has a couch-like thing.) We could never keep her in.
So she thinks she's a dog. Daisy cries at night if you don't put her in the trailer with the kittens.
She cries if you forget about her in the trailer the next morning.
She cries if you put her to bed too early.
Yes, she is a goat a very demanding goat. But, we all love her!
(Even though she jumps on daddy's work car.)
Well, that's all for now! Bye!

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