Monday 26 January 2015

Say what??

Howdy friends!

I'm posting today because I got lazy last week. So there'll be two post in one week! :)

This is going to be about me. I know, I'm so humble! Joking!
You'll learn a little bit more about me in this post. So, Enjoy! :)

[Please do not mention my name when you are telling some one about this crazy blog.
You may laugh and make fun of it, as long as it's not at my face.
Please note I am weird, strange, and sort of sarcastic.]

                                                  Like that? ^ I made it myself! On the computer!
                                                   (Don't worry, I know it's lame.)

Ok so I'm going to be 15 in a couple of months and I'm learning how to drive, SOON!
I'm 5 foot 4 with long brown hair and bluish eyes.

I live on a farm, we have 3 horse, 1 donkey, 14 cows, chickens, 3 pigs, 2 dogs, and 4 cats

I wear skirts now. I used to wear pants but I  felt like the Lord wanted me to start wearing skirts, so I do! And yes you can, run, ride bikes, horses, and all of that. I don't care if my friends are wearing pants, Hey! So what?  Who cares whether people wear skirts or pants.

I'm in 9th grade and I love school. (Yes, I'm homeschooled.)  I really like grammar and creation!. My favorite about science (creation) is the evolution vs. creation debates! I would love to have a friendly debate some time!!  I  also like math when I get it! :)

Reading, I love it!! I like to read KBR, Nancy Drew, Patchwork Mysteries, and the Bible. Also sometimes I'll read like a history book or evidence of the Bible books for fun.(I know I'm weird.)

My favorite animals are horses, cows, and dogs! Cat's are my VERY lest favorite. Unless they are kittens then they are just my least favorite. ( I sort of like sheep too, unless they get out.)

What I like to do for fun is, read, clean, play with my horse or cow, sew, knit or organize.

I like to watch "Little House On the Prairie", "Andy Griffith", "Ken Ham", "Bananas", and pretty much all the old TV shows

Well I think that's all! :)

 Bye Ya'll!!! :)


If you want to contact me, email me at Thanks for reading!! :)


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