Sunday 6 September 2015

Johnston's Riverview Farm News!!!

Welcome to Johnston's Riverview News!
Where you get to read what's been happening!
Ahhhhhhh! Such a lovely place to live.
 Farm life is for me! 
Beautiful isn't it?

Ok so, this week I'll be writing 3 weeks worth of posts.
I know ,I know. How did I let it happen? Well, it's called busyness and internet!
Fist of all, we were really busy, (like normal.) and you can't trust the internet connection!

It's so sad when you go to write on your blog and you can't because the internet is down, again!

Well, enough about me! Let turn to the news!!!

Tis the season to be canning, fa la la la la la la!!!

 Nice huh? We have a  lot of canned goods down in our basement! 
"Ain't they beautiful!" (In a hillybilly accent)

 So next week I'll post about canning.  :)
I'll be showing you how to can green beans, apples, and maybe wild plums.

Ready Aim Fire!!!!!!
Congratulations to Becca Johnston!!
 She passed her gun safety test!! Way to go!!
We all knew she could pass, I think. :)

No  really! Becca is the best shot of the family!
She said this when she came home from gun safety.
"I had so much fun! If I could, I would do it again!!"
Not only did she pass but she found some friends!

Down on the Farm!!

 The cat's favorite place! The milking barn!
Yum! Fresh milk!

Christopher (The father on the left.) Silver (Adopted, middle left.)
Mr.Fuzz(Kitten , middle left.) And Cheetah(Mother, left.)

I'm not even joking they act like a family!! When Mr.Fuzz was little, Christopher would babysit until Cheetah came back from hunting! And also they adopt any kitten!

The  new cat is named "High Ho Silver!" 
Or just "Silver" He's the  grey one.

 Pretty soon I'll be posting pictures of kittens! Cheetah is pregnant again. Yippy (Sarcastically)

Here's Christopher snuggling with Mr.Fuzz!!
Our pigs had piglets!! I love piglets! They are so cute!!

Three of our sows had piglets but, the one sow (Raisin.) was bottle fed when she was younger.
So, she didn't and wouldn't take care of them! Another pig farmer came to take all
eight piglets to bottle raise them. 
Moral of the story don't bottle raise piglets! They won't be very good mothers.

What happened to Raisin you ask? Well, she's still around............. in our freezer. :)
(It's farm life!)

Here's a cute story!

 My dad was getting cows for milking when he found this piglet! It was snuggled up to Rosebud  (my cow)!
 It was so cute!! Rosebud didn't seem to care at all! 

Ok this next picture is an interesting one. Do NOT tell my brother I posted this!
I had to!  It's so cute!

Yup, He's trying to build an outhouse! :) He's a pretty good builder but, yeah.
 He still needs to finish it! It's behind the guest house. I  love it when my brother 
uses his hands and builds stuff! But this,(Chuckle) this, was priceless! 
Good job Luke! Keep a going!

A fair is a veritable smorgabord orgasbord orgasbord.............................
(This song was off of Charlotte's Web)

The fair!! Every Farm, and countries kids favorite time of summer!

 Kaity,Luke, Becca, and Ali trying out the BIG swing.

 I love my brother he's so funny! Every year he rides the merry-go-round and rides the roster.
Why? So then as he's riding it he can chop it's head off! I don't know why he likes it so much! He goes around and around on the rooster, chopping it's head with his ax.(HAND.) 
(He does that job when we butcher chickens.)

Beep, beep! Move it lady! Get out of my way!
 Bumper Cars!! The kids favorite thing this year! They went on them like 5 times! 
It was fun watching them run into people!

Old McDonald had a farm...
Goofy kids! :) 

The fair was really fun this year! Every year the kids save up enough money to be able go.
 It's a fun to go there as a family! 

Well, that's all!


If you want to contact me, you can at,
I'd love your emails!
May God bless you!!!

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