Tuesday 6 October 2015

Riverview Farm News!

Howdy all!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Do you love apples? My sister does! I can take them or leave them.
Unless they are my grandpa's apples!
These are the best apples ever! They are really small but, REALLY good!
They are fun size! :)
Ok so, we go apple picking every year.  We make applesauce and pies. (If there's any apples left.)
Normally we bring our Wal-Mart bags, and drive the van under the tree and hit the branches with  the broom. (Five points if an apple hits the ground and 10 if it hits your siblings head!)
Well, this year the tree was loaded and the tree broke and fell a little. It was WAY easier to get apples!!!
When you see a loaded branch, what you do is,  grab the end of it shake it a little and send a sibling under it to retrieve the apples . Then you give the branch a big yank and BOOM apple bombs!!!
Yes, I know, it wasn't very nice. But, I was sure funny! :)
Look at all those apples! Yum!
It was a lot of fun this year! All of us went, even my dad!
Every one worked hard and did a good job!
Now for the farm pictures!!!!!!!!
Thank you daddy for taking them and coming up with some of the titles for them!!!
 We put the pigs out with the cows ,
 They seem to like each other.
 Coming up to the barn together,
And plus, piglet daycare!!! :)
The cows don't mind the pigs roaming the pasture.
They eat what the cows don't eat. The only down-fall is that they try to get into the milking barn, EVERY night! I WILL NOT milk a pig!
Becca wants to though. :) I wonder what pig milk tastes like? Yuck! Moving on...
Cow's V.S Piglets!!!
A friendly game of soccer.
Line up! Hey, where's the ball????

Come and get it!!!!

Move over chicken, it's our milk!!!!

 There's got to be some milk left!!!
There's a river of life flowing out of me!!
 So, if you walk along the ravine towards the road,
there's a waterfall that the culvert makes! It's so pretty! And the water
is so clear! It's a fun place to cool off on a warm day. :)
We got cotton tails from Cotton.
Meet the newest members of the family!!!!
Bella is 5 months old and is part meat and part something else.
 Rosie , Rosa, or Rose, take your pick, is 3 months old and is a dwarf bunny.
I think.
Our family has a bunny curse. Ok, it's not a curse, just an unlucky thing with rabbits.
We could never keep them in! They ALWAYS got out some how! Well, the first time the bunnies got out was because of me. I wanted to play with them. Hey! I was like 4 or 5 then! But, ever since then, we have had no luck with bunnies. So we'll see how long these ones last.  The good thing about these is that they are really friendly! So, they should be easy to catch. Should be.
Cows crossing.
We have been letting the cows go across the road to get to the field
on the other side of the river!  It works a ton better then making them swim across. ;) If they cross the river most of the time they won't cross unless a kid is in the water first. But, that's only if dad isn't there. They love dad. Where he calls they go.
Thanks to my dad for this funny picture!

Have a blessed day!!!
And keep trusting in God until the cows come home! Literally! :)

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