Tuesday 17 November 2015

Deer Season, Fall, and WINTER!?!?

Welcome to Grace's blog! Today we'll be looking at what's been happening with our deer season, my favorite fall things, and why we all love winter! I hope you enjoy this post!
Ugh! That was awful! I felt like I was writing that in a Barbie voice!
Now go back and read that with the Barbie voice in your head! Trust me it isn't pleasant.
Why am I being so formal? I'm trying a new thing but so far, I'm even bored!
Enough of this dry, no fun, straight to the point post!
Welcoming Grace!!!!!!!!
(Applause ,applause, cheering, more applause and throwing roses, never mind, make that chocolate!)
Let's start this post all over! Gracie style!
Howdy, winter lovers and haters!
Nice of you to join me!!!
Let jump right into the hunting news! Grab your blaze orange and camo!
It's a buck! No, it's a doe! It's a Buck, SHOOT!!!
Today I'll be sharing about the buck that my grandpa shot out of MY stand! I told everyone that that stand was a good stand! And of course when my grandpa hunts in it, he get's a buck.
No hard feelings grandpa! I'll just get a bigger one then you!!!!  :)
Here's a picture of his nice buck! It's a 10 pointer!
Good job Grandpa!!!!!!
The title was a line from our little (Becca and I) hunting......I don't even know what to call it!
Chaos maybe? Yeah, that sounds good.
Anyways, we were hunting in my stand, the evening hunt to be precise. And it was just getting dark. I was facing the field and Becca was facing the woods. We heard this hopping noise and I turned and saw a deer literally bounce to the side of our stand.
Becca pulled up her gun and was about to shoot when I said, 
"I think that's a doe!"
"Grace! That's a buck!"
"No! It's a doe!"
I looked at the deer again and saw the antlers, it was just a spiker but, it was a buck. 
"It's a buck, shoot!"
"Grace, are you sure?"
"Shoot, shoot, shoot! It's a buck!!! SHOOT!"
I'm not even joking! This is how our whispered conversation went! Since it's bucks only I was a little worried that it was a doe but, it wasn't. Becca was whispering to me with her gun still on the retched little thing.
Once she heard me practically yell "Shoot!" She shot and missed.
The buck was standing funny and she couldn't see his shoulder.
So, that buck is still out there somewhere laughing at Becca.
Why would he laugh you say? Well, Becca already met this buck and wasn't able to shoot it then. It's a sad story.
Now wipe your tears and let's move on!
Tea, coffee and CAPPUCCINO!!!
When hunting season comes around, we normally buy all sort of wonderful, warm drinks to fill our cold, chilled bodies.

My mom, my sisters and I went shopping yesterday.
I know amazing! I hate shopping! But I was excited because I wanted to buy clothes pins, fabric bins, and mesh laundry bags. Yes, I get excited about that sort of thing! I'm very practical! Also, if you give me any type of organizer, I'll probably be your friend for life!
Anyways, we got the White Chocolate Peppermint Coffee and the Caramel Apple Tea! I must say they are so good!!!!!!!! If your not a coffee drinker get the tea or vice versa.
My dad got  a HUGE box of Sweet and Salty Caramel Cappuccino! I haven't had any because dad say's it's his and no one else's but, when he makes it, it smells AMAZING!!!
You can get the tea and coffee at Wal-Mart but the cappuccino I really don't know where he got it.
Winter, BURRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Winter... Isn't it lovely? Getting so cold that you can't feel your feet, or your clothes are so soaked threw from just walking in the snow, or snowmobiling and then running out of gas in the middle of the river a mile away from home.
Ok, ok! I'll say some nice things about winter one moment I have to think.......
We pause this thought for a commercial break!
(Read this with a booming deep guys voice in your head please!)
Do you ever come in the house just freezing cold that your skin is glowing red, white and blue????
Do you ever wonder if you will ever get warm?????
You can! You can get warm fast! It's scientifically proven that when you laugh you get warm!           (I think.)
So, the next time you come in from the cold, sit down at your computer and read Ask Grace's Blog!
Your skin won't be cold but warm to the touch just after reading one of her posts! Or if your computer is down, just walk to the mirror and laugh really hard because if you don't, some one will have the pleasure of doing it for you! And that's all for now!

Ok and we're back! I was trying to find something good about winter and here's a list.
1. Snowmobiling. (Always make sure you have enough gas!)
2. Ice skating. (Only if the skates aren't cold.)
3. Snow forts
4. Snow ball fights!
5. Sleigh rides! (Or around here a sleigh pulled behind a tractor!)
6. The smell of peppermint.
7. Hot chocolate!!!!!!!!!
9.The beauty of fresh snow.
10. The focus of Jesus's birth
And that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this! Comment below to why or why not you like winter!
May God Bless you and hopefully you will be warm!
Until next time, This is Grace, signing off.

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