Thursday 7 November 2013

Holey socks, Headbands , and Squash.

Hello!!! ;) Today I'll talk about a few crafts!And how to make VERY good squash!

Sock hair bands!!!!
If you have a holey sock cut the top off,the part that has elastic in it.
Then you can decorate it with fabric markers, buttons, ribbon and so on.
Then use it! It works REALLY nicely!!! ;)
When you decorate it with buttons and ribbons,make sure you
sew them on! Then they will stay on! :)

What you'll need: Scissors,Elastic,Fabric,a Sewing machine or a needle and thread.

Measure your head,(So you'll know how long your piece of elastic should be.)
Then mark where you should cut on your elastic, find colorful fabric and fold the fabric over the
elastic,and sew! Sew the fabric on the elastic.
Then sew the elastic ends together,then decorate! 

Now how to make the best squash EVER! ;)
Cut a ripe squash in half,and gut it out.
Then put some water on a cookie sheet,
and put your squash on the cookie sheet.
Turn your oven to 350 or 400 degrees.
Bake for an hour or more!
 Put butter,salt,and pepper in it after it's done,and

ENJOY!!!!! :)

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