Saturday 30 November 2013

Long BORING car rides.

Are  you ever bored stiff in the car?  Yeah, me too! :) Well there's a way to over COME that boredness!
 First have a little bag or even a pencil box. Put in the box,bag,what ever it may be, a deck of cards,pencils,paper,CD player,music, books,dice,battle ship,( I'm a fan of battle ship!) and any thing else like beads,string, ummmmmm paperclip. And more!

Cards:To play solitare,kings corner,and other fun card games! :)

Pencil and paper: To play hangman,draw, or tick-tack-toe!

CD player,and music: To listen to! :)

Books: To read.

Dice: To play  10,00or 5,00.

And last but not lest, BattleShip!!!!

Try new things! I bet you can even make super easy crafts in the car! :)  Well, be creative and  have fun!!!

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