Monday 25 November 2013

What not to when your hunting! :)
My mom and I went out to the end of are drive way and turned into the field. My dad made a home made deer stand out of a valuable and road fabric. So we climb up in it and sat down. After a hour or so I became bird. Really bored. I was all so tired, so I makes my head down on my gun. My mouth was touching   my scope just a little. So when I lifted my head part of my lip was stuck to my scope! :)  So I licked my lips and my  lip was free!!! When it happened again,( Not on purpose though!!) So I tried wetting my lips with my tongue ,well what do you think happened? Yep my tongue was stuck to my scope. So I'm sitting there with my tongue stuck to my scope trying  to decide whether I should tell mom so she could help rip my tongue off my scope. Finally I just ripped it off. After my tongue felt weird, almost nine. So when we were heading back to the house I told her my stories, like I expected she laughed, she laughed HARD! So I just wanted to tell you that stories so you can warning to  get  your tongue stuck and have  a good laugh! :)        

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